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DVD won't play in all DVD Players

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ironbiter, May 17, 2004.

  1. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    With a little more "surfing" of these forums you might possibly find there are many more problems than a "*Power Calibration Error". BTW, I have a CyberHome ($29.99 (USD) (with coupon) standalone player that will play a pepperoni Pizza but will still balk at some "Great AZO" DVD's ($.28ea(USD).

    Cheap media freezes, skips, pixelats and may refuse to be recognized :-(
    Besides "Freezing", "skips" and pixelations, many times you'll get a "Cyclic Redundancy error" or an "I/O error". This message can mean that your discs are scratched or dirty, it can also mean that your burner won't accept your "cheap" media :-( :(

    The inability to burn a DVD or an 18% coaster record has nothing to do at all with your "Cheapo" standalone player but it does have something to do with cheap media. Most of the problem is to get it satisfactory burn.

    A Power Calibration Error is still mostly the results of a cheapo media being used. No matter what your standalone, crap is crap. I suggest you read how many here have difficulty playing their stuff on any player.

    (Ohh Boy, Oooohhh Boy, do the ScubaPete loves get given money (LOL). Gettin' out my calculator to add dis stuff up -)

    Well there young fella, just how much did you have in mind ? (heh, heh) - (Ya know, I never ever bet BUT this is JUST TOO GOOD :) I don't wish to break you BUT with those odds, we can get someone here at AfterDawn to hold de money - How about $100.00 even – would that be OK?

    While leaving you to ponder our possible upcoming wager, I'll leave you some parting words,

    Nothing is 100%. You'll always get crappy discs that burn like a bandit but it won't be consistent and that's what we need consistency. Memorex has 4 different mfg. producing their produce and there have been reports of as

    much as 50% failure rate. A truly fantastic coaster producer. A member here reported 23 coasters from a 50 pack of Memorex.

    Oooohhh sorry, I became sidetracked. Those words I promised you - "Buying cheap media is a gamble and like gambling, some pple win and some pple lose - but in the end, it's the house that winds up the ultimate winner.

    Cheers all


    PS Samuels, let me know if it was a figure of speech or if you really, really want to bet - :)
  2. samuels

    samuels Guest

  3. giddynar

    giddynar Guest

    Just to say you only get what you pay for, cheap disks are Ok if they have been at a better price and have been reduced, say due to only burning at 2x.
    I have some Infiniti professional 2x, I think probably Sony, they are cheap £9 per 25, and they are quality, and they burn well.
    Also some Verbatim 2x as the same price, excellent disks, it is worth while paying a little bit extra and getting a good burn, rather than wasting the time it takes to copy.
  4. samuels

    samuels Guest

  5. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I don't doubt you have great success using Verbatim's they are in there in the decent list. The problem we face here is when New pple read your post without any names attached they assume the crap media they can buy is what you're talking about. I would like to see where your Digi media comes in – I wasn't able to find it (generally, not a good sign) perhaps you'll run a disc through DVD Identifier –


    There are those who come here to read and these are the pple I try to explain things too.

    I did cheat a bit samuels, I've been here for a while and see many, many pple who's problems are solved by corrective media change. There are those like your fine self who get quality at a good price and there are those who use crap and are lucky for a while. The latter eventually are "stung" when their crap media finally does bite them - But - everyone makes their own choices.

    I just try to give the unwary a little education :)

    Again, let me know how your Digi stacks up – Then we'll both know (lol)



  6. samuels

    samuels Guest

    i will try and find that digimedia disc....i didn't heave it, :) i knew i kept it for a reason.....don't quote me on this as i am not 100% sure,but i think digimedia is one of ridata's generic brand,hopefully when i can find it i can tell you.
  7. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I was looking all over and would like to find what kind of quality we're talking about -

    Give me a hallar when you find it, OK ?


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