Well, yea. My husband is big into literature, old and new. I am not familiar with the old writing or what have you, but I have heard him talk about it, mainly while we watched the movie and some of his comics, which apparently are in no way related, if I understand correctly. We have a grendel mask on the wall and a couple of grendel shot glasses in on the entertainment center from the comic. I don't have the fixvts program, will that help with the problems I am having with lords of dogtown do you think?
Arniebear I think if may be. But it's been a while and I"m not sure. It is definitely the Grendel from Beowulf.
dragnmajk The FixVTS is for repairing compliance problems. When do you run into your problem, during the rip, when encoding, or the software won't record? AnyDVD just came out with version Here's the settings for use with DVD Decrypter: To use DVDDecrypter with AnyDVD set I/O Model to SPTI or ElbyCDIO. Set CSS Cracking method to none. Disable checking for structure protection.
It messed up during the encoding when I used clonedvd with anydvd in the background. In Nero and Shrink it messed up during the analyzing. I tried using pgcedit with the psl2 plug in with decrypter and followed it up with vobblanker, and I tried using fab decrypter. Fab decrypter just kind of gets stuck. It messed up at 47% during the analyzing in shrink and nero, same exact spot in the same scene if you have on the preview, which I only did to see if that was the case, I normally don't have the preview on. I am not familiar with fixvts and didn't know if it have any better results than what I had already tried. I've seen it a couple of times in the forums, and I see it as an option in pgcedit listed with vobblanker. I thought it may be a bad press, but haven't seen any cases of bad presses with this movie. I was about ready to chalk it up to scratches on the disc, I've cleaned it good, yet still nada.
Are you using the newly released version of AnyDVD If not, try using it with DVD Decrypter with the settings I just posted. I'm curious to see if you can get a rip of the DVD.
Yea, I got the newest version of anydvd. I adjusted the settings to what you said and I got to 44% then I got an I/O error. Maybe it IS the disc? Seems strange it always loses it at 40 some %.
yeah you might try a different dvd ,the way i did Lords Of Dogtown was with clonedvd 2 and anydvd keeping the main menu ,theres blanks cells atthe beginning of the movie that throws most programs for a loop. another program that works for hard to read/scratched/bad disc is Intervideo DVDCopy 4 theres a free trial if you want to download and try it you will still need anydvd with the program http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp
aabbccdd LOL, you're starting to sound like me. DVDCopy4 is a fine transcoder, if that's what a person wants to use. That's my favorite, but for most things I use an encoder setup, RB/CCE. Normally , AnyDVD will get a complete rip with DVD Decrypter though it may not be totally compliant. That's why the new version of AnyDVD, to help with compliance due to the bad sectors, among other things. I'm not sure of all that was addressed with dragnmajk If the disc is suspect, which it is now, try doing a read scan such as the one in the freeware DVDInfopro or Nero's utilities. On the graph see if there are bad sectors that correspond to where the disc stops processing. Stopping at the same spot each time indicates a physical flaw. A bad press will sometimes play, but not record. Players are usually much more forgiving than recorders. As aabbccdd mentioned, trying another DVD of the same movie might make a difference. Do a read scan on it as well. If a flaw, I doubt just one occurred. I once had to go threw 3 or 4 discs of one movie before I could get it to record. A rare occurrence, but it happens.