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DVD2One vs. DVDShrink

Discussion in 'DVD2One forum' started by tedtropy, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. demonhawk

    demonhawk Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    The reason that DVD Shrink and Nero's Recode are so similar in the interface realm and the whole basis of the program is because they are pretty much one and the same... Hense if memory serves from past news on this site is that DVD Shrinks creator stopped makeing new version of shrink.... to goto work for Nero on their recode program.... Think that was about 2 yrs ago....
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    That's the "scuttlebutt". I think everyone that has a copy of Shrink may have heard the story; at least if they've visited a forum for help.
  3. tedtropy

    tedtropy Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Hah, good lord how is this thread still alive. Hard to believe I started it in February of [bold]2004[/bold]. I've long since moved from my piece-o-crap BTC/Emprex drive to the venerable NEC 3500A. I don't think it's made a bad burn yet. Still using DVDShrink pretty much exclusively, and still find it's doing everything I need. Anyways, just thought I'd drop in on this thread. Kind of neat to still see it going. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2006
  4. chiefmac

    chiefmac Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I've been using DVD Shrink ever since I started backing up movies. DVD Shrink paired with an updated AnyDVD has worked flawlessly for me every single time. I have also learned to edit DVDs and compile different segments of different DVDs onto one DVD (such as TV episodes). I have never used DVD2One so I can't say anything about it, but I have absolutely no use for any other program currently.
  5. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Shrink is a good freeware transcoder with editing abilities. However, the retail apps such as DVD2One and others usually have a specialized function that draws attention. In the case of DVD2One that would be the specialized join feature and the ability to remaster CDs to DVD, along with the app being faster than Shrink for those who like quick gratification. ;) The join feature is easier to use than editing with shrink to achieve the same outcome. DVD2One also incorporates a burn engine which Shrink doesn't. Though one can get other freeware to add on to achieve that end. One pays for ease of use and the added bells and whistles. Shrink is good for what it is, freeware. DVD2One still has support and is a more user friendly and up-to-date app. Quality is decent with both, but I'll go with RB/CCE over these. Just a matter of a true encoder winning out against transcoders.
  6. LionelS

    LionelS Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    By 'join' do you mean two titles can be joined or merged as one without the pause between titles that have been joined. This has been a ongoing problem when joining two titles or multiple titles that is the only thing that has held me back with doing this.
  7. markzilla

    markzilla Member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    hey guys, I'm new to this forum as well but i have been backing up my dvds for over a year and a half now(900+ movies). I've been using DVDSHRINK the whole time and love it. It's only been up until recently that I've had to use ANYDVD running in the background for those certain sony flicks now that DVDSHRINK isn't being updated anymore. I only notice video degradation when I copy larger dvds(like tv series) when the compression ratio is below 60%. Anything under 80% I usually let SHRINK scan through twice anyway and have had no problems with picture quality.
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If the movie is a flipper of the same movie with the original menu being on side one then DVD2one can join them seamlessly (although not always perfectly) or it can join them with a small flicker as it switches to the second part.

    With DVDremake I can join a flipper seamlessly and keep the menu, then export the result to a folder for RB/CCE encoding.
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Sophocles noted the best way of doing the "joining" with DVDReMake as DVD2One is easy but not perfectly seamless. DVDReMake is easy enough that one doesn't have to be a proffessional to use it. http://www.dimadsoft.com/ You can get everything you need for RB at http://www.dvd-rb.com/ , except CCE. The free HC encoder is good, just a bit slower.

    I suspect the compression errors are creeplng in well before the DVD Shrink starts having to compress things 40%. For top quality, many people abandon it at 20-25% (80-75% compression ratio). As for scanning, Shrink will only do a file once unless you know which file to delete in a hidden folder. Then it's only doing the scan over again. I'm curious how you're getting the second scan. If you mean transcode it twice, then that is a waste as a transcoded file isn't going to be transcoded the second time. For higher compression, the author supplied the deep analysis and the quality settings. Those should be in use when one starts needing over minimal compression, 10-15%.

    For best quality with higher compression an encoder is superior to a transcoder. CCE, Pro Coder, and HC are encoders and supported for use with Rebuilder. Though transcoders like Shrink and DVD2One give decent quality, they can't really compare when the compression piles up or when the user wants the best overall bitrate for their backup. Basically, a transcoder works by eliminating parts while the encoder disassembles and reconstructs the DVD files for optimum output quality.
  10. rsilky1

    rsilky1 Guest

    having trouble backing up ' memoirs of a geisha" this is a sony dvd. i get a incorrect file structure right off the top. won't work using dvdfab first, 1 click dvd copy,anydvd,dvdxcopy. any ideas?
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If you're getting the incorrect file structure message from Nero then just ignore and go ahead and burn the almost always work prefectly anyway. If you're having another problem then state what is as exactly as you can otherwise we can't help you.
  12. brobear

    brobear Guest

    With some of the new Sony releases, the Arccoss protection causes the recording software to read the source files as being noncompliant. AnyDVD now has a ripper included for this purpose. Use the ripper and then open the processed files from the hard drive. The ripper incorporates FixVTS for doing the work in making the source files compliant.
  13. rsilky1

    rsilky1 Guest

    I had tried many different progs with similar results when I finally pulled my head out and realized that I hadn't updated anydvd lately. Once i did that it worked perfectly. Thanks...
  14. brobear

    brobear Guest

    That would do it. Wash your face and carry on. ;) BTW, kidding aside, you're welcome and glad you got it going.
  15. ispy

    ispy Regular member

    Jan 5, 2004
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    The UK release of "Geisha" was not a problem with the AnyDVD + Shrink + Nero setup
  16. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    UK version ?. it's still at the cinema here in UK as far as i'm aware...
  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    AnyDVD did some serious updating the last time the copyright protection was increased. Some people are still unaware of the compliance problems caused by Arccoss on some releases. Besides updating, Slysoft now includes a ripper incorporating FixVTS for the more troublesome DVDs. It's still a manual operation to rip, so the user has to pay attention to the protection on a release or go to the ripper when a problem arises. If a person hasn't been keeping their software updated, they may not have the new ripper. It's only been there for the past few updates.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2006
  18. ispy

    ispy Regular member

    Jan 5, 2004
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    You could call it a "pre release" version

    Not yet tried the ripper fix addition yet in AnyDVD
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2006
  19. abrogard

    abrogard Regular member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I am totally new to this, too. I'm just browsing while watching my computer use dvd decrypter as suggested by guys here after I posted about my problem with Shrink shutting down suddenly when I pressed 'backup'.

    DVD decrypter just stopped, too. Saying there was an error it couldn't handle. It has just done it again. Uncorrectable error. I'll try a couple more retries and then give up on that dvd and/or that method.

    Which brings me to why I've posted here... my current experiences cause me to echo the writer who said 'whatever works for you...', because that's what I want/need/feel.... something that will work and I'll stick to it like glue


    ab :)
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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