so some people prefer clonedvd and some prefer clonedvd 2 PIONEER can anyone who has one tell me if "RIPLOCK" max 2x ripping is still put into these drives please?
@rotary I have an older Pioneer - DVR-108 I think it is and no riplock at all. I know NEC used to have it - I didn't realize Pioneers might too.
the 108D had riplock also some NEC / SONY maybe couple others there is a firmware for 108 and a guy here says he rips at 12x now? i think 108 is riplocked to 5x rip? unlock firmware DVR-108 to 12x + RPC-1 =
I was getting around 8x - probably around 7x average on rip speeds w/ the dvr-108. I'll try running the flash and see what happens.
Karen I have the plextor PX-810SA which is a rebadged Pioneer DVR-212 and it rips a 16x max, in the real world it seems like it gets to about 12 to 15x max though
i have still got the 106D i have the hacked firmware for that one but never saw anything like 12x about 7x if lucky, 106d was the first or one of the first drives to be dual format + / -, (cost a fortune when new) i would imagine that SATA drives rip fast but not tested one, i do have 2 spare sata sockets the other 6 are taken up out the 8 on the mobo... so maybe the next drive i buy i'll go sata, well will have to as all my 4x ide are taken with 4 dvd drives already, all my hd's are on sata in 4x dual raid 0+1 and backup 2x raid 1...
Txs for the info guys - mucho gracias @Rotary I tried the hacked firmware but no go. Came up mismatched drive. Listed as the dvr-108a but I remember something along this lines w/ the firmware - needing the pick a different 108 file. Just tried a rip and the average was 5.9x - 12x would be sweet