DVDs to my Archos AV480

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by GuybrushT, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Shaggin

    Shaggin Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    First time to this thread .... And tons of info. I will be visiting here more often in the future. I spent 2 days finding a way to convert my DvD's to Avi and finally found a pretty valid way. ImTOO DVD ripper can do it all in on fail swoop. INsert DVD and convert to AVI. The quality isnt all that good so I chose a more extensive way but get better results. I use DVD ripper to extract vob's and then use DVD2AVI to create my file .. editing the areas such as title sequences and such out of it.. Then us vfrapi to make my fake avi file. Finally use virtual dub to make my finished product. With this method I can tweak the video a little to make it look better.

    I see that your fiule only ends up 480mg but my final is around 1.6g. Not sure why seems i am doin the same compresion. Also anyone have any helpful hints on making my Family Guy back ups a little less choppy. Regular films look pretty good but animation gets a little choppy for some reason.

    Once again thank you for all the info in your past posts. Helped alot.

    Take care
  2. Neversky

    Neversky Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    I am begining to hate my Archos AV420... I thought I was good with this sort of thing until I got ahold of this device... Everything I try to do fails in some way... Either the lipsync is off, or the file will skip horribly during playback...

    The thing is everything I have ever done always works fine on a PC... I have downloaded a few movies and music videos off the internet... All of the XviD files skip terribly... I try to convert them to DivX using virtual dub...

    I maintain the same bitrate and resolution as before and change the audio to CBR at less then 224kbps usually 160 or 128... It will work for awhile and once completed it will play great on my computer, but once I move it to the archos it either will skip or the lipsync will be off...

    At this point I run it through the MPG4 translator that Archos provides and it will do something to the file that magically will make it work... I have yet to figure out what that is... The Resolution stays the same... The audio is the same... Bitrate is the same...

    What can I try?
  3. geshtasp

    geshtasp Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    We feel for you. There has been many many suggestion, one harder than the other. But I believe in simplicity. Dear Neversky, when you use Virtual Dub to convert the XVID/DIVx to AVI, if the original file was in VBR mode, it could mess up badly. Do the following:

    - Go to Dr Divx site, download the software and use it to convert all your downloaded MPEG,XVID,WMV,DIVX with VBR to CBR (128). I have done this ay least 100s times. It works. No, I do not work for DIVx Corp. But I have tried all the Video Converter out there (12).
    None work but this one.

    Cheers Mate,
  4. raz_1234

    raz_1234 Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    I agree, use Dr. Divx - it works every time, and from almost any type of movie (and i don't work for anyone, especially not divx). Its the simplest and most sure way (I also tried all the other ways, most don't resolve lipsync problems, etc).

    Does anyone know why all those problems even exist? What does dr. divx does that we can not do in vdub? The reason i am asking is that Dr. Divx does re-encode the video, which ruins the quality. I rather just fix the audio since most new files are viewable on the archos if you just remove the sound.
  5. 2bigdogs

    2bigdogs Guest

    Hey everyone,
    This is the most comprehensive forum on Archos AVseries I could find. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix the sync problem on a Mac running OS X? The files work great on machinec etc...HELP!!!!
  6. Casey5305

    Casey5305 Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    The audio/video synch problem is not unique to the Archos player. The H3xx series players from iRiver are also exhibiting this problem. Check out the MisticRiver forums under their Forum H3xx > Video Support - Conversion/Encoding. Link:

    One member on that board, MrStaticVoid, has written a Java program to do the conversions. It has a section in the program that does an AVI rip for their PMP model player which is also the same 320x240 as the Archos screen and it might work on the Archos as well. There are still occassional a/v synch issues which some report are corrected by fast forwarding and rewinding a bit which seems to put them into synch (??). Least they are pretty pro-active in searching for a remedy as they seem to outnumber the Archos flock in sales.

    Some speculate that the synch errors are occuring from rips that include Dolby Surround. Seems a delay in the video and audio synch occurs due to a propagation delay from the Dolby encoder - or lack of in our case. I don't know for certain, but I'd guess that there is no decoder in the handheld multimedia players and some rips are being made which aren't designed for the non-decoder models.

    So we are not alone in the synch issues!

  7. nielzie

    nielzie Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    I got the same problem :( , im now formatting the archos. But what then? How do I have to install the new OS ? It was so dumb that I disconnected the cable :( . Please help me, Niels from the Netherlands
  8. halfred

    halfred Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    I am not an expert, but I do have a Gmini that I use to watch everything from ripped DVD's to OGM files to Divx files. I just have to convert everything to what the Gmini understands.

    The big thing is the fact that all of the Archos stuff only support MP3 for the audio track of your playback. No one on the internet does this (everyone seems to prefers newer, more efficient schemes), so I convert everything.

    For DVDs, I use the AutoGK tool (you can find guides for DVD to AVI everywhere) and make sure I pick CBR MP3 under the Advanced button. Works fine.

    For stuff off the 'net, I tend to gravitate towards GraphEdit because I don't have to think too hard when I use it. I have every CODEC under the sun installed, and GraphEdit brings it together for me.

    Check out this guide before you finish reading this post:

    That guide helped me get started because I DL a lot of anime in OGM, but it taught me enough to re-encode anything I run into. The cool thing is this guide works as-is for Archos devices, because it uses the straight MP3 (or MPEG Layer 3 as GraphEdit shows it) to do the conversion. I do all my conversions the same way, just making sure the end of my graph looks like the picture in the guide, rejoining the video and MP3 audio streams into an AVI (and maybe Divx-ing them as well if they weren't already).

    Just look in whatever tool you use for plain, ol' MP3 encoding, and your audio will be fine. I admit, it would be nice if Archos supported a few other audio streams, but until then, this works for me.
  9. halfred

    halfred Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    I had originally found directions on Archos's support site. I looked in their FAQ's in the AV400 and AV300 and General Sections, try everything. I looked just now and could not find the article that I had used the first time it happened to me.

    I think I just formatted, downloaded the updated firmware from Archos' Download section, copied it to my Gmini, then turned it off and back on, the went to System, Update Firmware, and I was back in business.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2005
  10. 2bigdogs

    2bigdogs Guest

    Does anyone know how to do this on a MAC? I've been trying FFMPEG with AVIs I've downloaded and the audio just won't sync up. Archos tech support is a JOKE...Has anyone successfully made this work on a MAC? HELP!!!!!
  11. plumeria1

    plumeria1 Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Hi, I own an AV480 and I'm currently using DVD Decrytor and AutoGK to convert my DVDs to AVI files to transfer to my Archos. I have no problems with Audio/Video sync however if I make a file to small for the length of film it jerks on playback. Let me give an example...
    I tried to convert a film of nearly 2 hours long into an AVI of 1gb...it jerked when I put it on the Archos. I then did the same film but selected 1.4gb in AutoGK and it worked fine.
    Tonight I tried a 2h40min film at 1.4gb and it jerked. Why is it doing this. The file info says that it is 25fps so it shouldn't be jerky.
    Let me add...the jerky files play back perfectly smoothly on my laptop. It's just when they are on the Archos that they are not so smooth.
    I must be missing something!! Please Help!
  12. raz_1234

    raz_1234 Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    My thoughts is that all the sync and jerking problems are caused by the slower cpu within the archos. If the movie requires too much processing (or the audio) it causes problems.
  13. oibiker

    oibiker Guest

    For attention of 2bigdogs. For Mac users download the software Explicit from http://sveinbjorn.vefsyn.is/software . Just cut the first 10 secs or so from the video and you'll find the Archos will play in sync now. It's because the Archos doesn't recognise the first few seconds of the video. It works for me everytime and now my Mac, Archos and I are best friends.
  14. 2bigdogs

    2bigdogs Guest

    Oibiker, Where are you? I owe you a drink or two. That worked. It's that simple...
    You are the man...Finally I like my Archos...thanks.
  15. oibiker

    oibiker Guest

    You're welcome 2bigdogs, it perplexed me for a while before finding the answer. I'm Nottingham UK, so I'll be wanting those drinks lol.
  16. Odraode

    Odraode Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    [bold]Hello All,[/bold]
    I have a few problems with my Archos AV400,
    1) I have recorded a movie from my VCR using the cradle and a scart connection. I set it for maximum quality. The problem is, the picture is very dark. Why could that be? Is there a way I can make the picture lighter without having to record the film again. I tried with virtual dub but the file I get seems to run in slow motion and is a very big one!
    Second question: I have recorded another movie from my tv. Somehow the Archos has autonomously decided to split it into a 2 giga movie file and a smaller one. I would like to join these wwo and possibly Dr-DVX them in one single 700 megabyte movie. Is it better to:
    1) shrink them and optimize both movies and then join them
    2) join the two avi files and then optimize them with dr-divx
    Sorry for the long post but these operations seem to take ages so I'd rather do the right thing right away.
    Thank you
  17. nebeuz

    nebeuz Guest

    From the postings, it seems to get a movie to play in the Archos AV series , you must use a third party software. "convert on your computer, then transfer to the Archos". Why does Archos state you can "rip" from a DVD player ?. Check out www.tightsystems.com/dvg_store.htm#position .. the unit is called MPM-201, talking to a "rep" they state "hook to a dvd player" and "rip", the unit does the conversion and will play the movie ...
  18. nebeuz

    nebeuz Guest

    From the postings, it seems to get a movie to play in the Archos AV series , you must use a third party software. "convert on your computer, then transfer to the Archos". Why does Archos state you can "rip" from a DVD player ?. Check out http://www.tightsystems.com/dvg_store.htm#position
    the unit is called MPM-201, talking to a "rep" they state "hook to a dvd player" and "rip", the unit does the conversion and will play the movie ...
  19. nebeuz

    nebeuz Guest

    From the postings, it seems to get a movie to play in the Archos AV series , you must use a third party software. "convert on your computer, then transfer to the Archos". Why does Archos state you can "rip" from a DVD player ?.
  20. Odraode

    Odraode Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    for [bold]nebeuz[/bold]
    you don't need third party software if you intend to play a movie you recorded with your Archos on your Archos.
    You might need to recode the movie if it was captured or coded by someone else with other programs (eg. rippers) and/or coded in other formats (eg. Mpeg or other AVI formats - the extension might be the same but the files are not).
    You also might need some extra work in order to play a backup of your copyright protected videos on anything else but your Archos AV.

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