Go to Torrentspy.com and search NeroVision 3 or you can get Nero 7 an d just get the Nero 3.1.9 Version inside.
Buy it. I downloaded a "pirate" Nero 7 Premium but ended up running into all sorts of problems with it, you cant update them either. I bought it for £30 and its worth every penny. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and pay the money. It's worth it in the long run.
I just bought Nero 6 suite OEM Version, I am not paying again for a new program. I would think it would have everything I need but obviously it doesn't.
i got the exact same thing with my lg burner. after i downloaded the mpeg 2 plugin everything worked fine for me.
go to a torrent site and there are many Nero Vision Express and Nero 6 & 7. seeded torrents just check www.torrentspy.com
@DKAudio It was just a suggestion mate. @ no point did you say that you bought Nero 6, I cant read minds. From what I could see you were just asking for "free" software.
Hi, Here is a summary... DVDSanta works great. Like I said, I just want to be able to pick what episode I want in a "Main Menu". I own Nero 6 Suite OEM version. It said it wouldn't do the MPEG2 thing, I downloaded the MPEG2 plugin, installed it and it said the same thing. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't I don't know. Then it said it couldn't compress it enough to fit on a DVD5 disc. I don't know why since there is only 6 episodes at 170MB each. I was then told to download a Nero 6 greater compression rates at serial.com. I searched under all their Nero serials and found nothing with compression. That being said... I use DVDSanta to convert to ISO (that's DVD, right?) then I want to use Nero to burn it so I can create menus. I also want to be able to fit 10-12 episodes per disc so season 2 would only be 2 discs. I guess now I will go to torrentspy and try to find nero vision express, the full version?
Haven't done anything like this myself but I would imagine you can do it with Nero Vision 4 (Which is in Nero 7 Premium Suite) The only thing is I used an illegal full version off of eMule and I had problems with it. Have you downloaded the Nero 7 trial from their website? Im sure its a fully working trial, just for 21 days though. If you haven't, download it and give it a try to see if Nero Vision 4 will do what you want it to. Will have a quick look on mine to see what you can do with the menus...
The menus isn't a problem, I can create those fine. The only issues I am having is the MPEG2 thing and the compression. Thanks
Ok, I got the MPEG2 thing to work. Now all I am not sure about is the ability to get greater compression. Any suggestions?
Nero doesn't compress enough to fit 6 episodes per disc. I am now trying to get Nero Recode to fix this but am having trouble getting the program.