Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by colar11, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    AnyDVD does not show in your Task Mgr as a running Application, it will show up in your running Processes.
  2. baldbear

    baldbear Member

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Look in the lower right of your computer, tool bar. If you see a little red fox head you have AnyDVD on you computer. If you see a yellow smiley face you have dvd43.
  3. seleena

    seleena Guest

    Nope not there. I usually wipe stuff I don't know what it is for out with Regcleaner. I go through pretty often and clean up my computer.

    Now There is one thing I do that I am not sure most people do. I also defrag after every backup Needed or not. I make sure Temp files are deleted and I keep my drive nice and sparkling clean.

    Maybe I have just gotten lucky with the disks I have backed up, and this was the first that had a problem. I don't know. I again have sheer blind dumb luck sometimes.

    I am not running AnyDVD, nothing in systray save the inet connection, RamDefender, sound and ATI MMC icon.

    I have exactly 26 processes running under Task manager. I have 5 ATI drivers(don't ask =P), alg, crss, gearsec, lsass, explorer, RamDef, services, SMAgent, smss, spoolsvr, 7 svchost, system, system idle process, taskmgr, winlogon.

    That is the total I have running, I can check modules if you want I do have Adaware. Something may show up in there. Again I haven't lied, why on earth would I? I mean, what would the point of it be? I don't know any of you well enough to want to peeve you off. I simply said it had been working for me. Has always worked for me. Would probably have worked on the last disk if it hadn't been scratched to there and back. DVD X Copy can be Really picky about a scratched disk. It is A LOT more picky, than DVD Decryptor about scratches.

    Regcleaner doesn't show ANYDvd either btw. Again I obliterate anything that I don't know what it goes to. I don't want spyware or adware on my backup computer.

    I do know that Nero InCD and Roxio drag to disk Screw with DVD X Copy in general. I was having a lot of problems till I realized the InCD was the cause. Just knocking it out in task manager didn't work. I had to completely uninstall it. With Roxio Drag to disk I can keep it from loading with regcleaner. InCD starts up from somewhere else that regcleaner couldn't find.

    BTW while I am pretty new to the DVD backup thing, my first burner was a panasonic. It was when they were still going for close to $300.00usd. I have been doing this for only a couple of years I guess. Would have to look back at old TigerDirect reciepts to know.

    I am not a software guru, but I can and so build my own systems. I have NEVER bought a system off the shelf. I have looked at them and always find something that is subpar. My husband and my friend in canada, can't believe I do some of the things I do to my poor lil computer. They wouldn't dream of going into the administrative functions and turning things on and off =D. Not sure why ... worst thing that happens is ya have to reinstall windows or you go into safe mode and turn it back on. So please don't think me completely clueless with computers.
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Happy37 arniebear and matt72

    I am using DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink as back up programs.
    Also testing this program, as the up date just came out.DVDFab Decrypter v2.9.4.0
    Its at the AFTERDAWN WEB SITE here.

    DVD copy 40415 rf with anydvd will copy all sony protected dvd movies.
    If you have platinum v4038 installed, platinum v40415rf will activate
    off of v4038.

    If any one that has v4038 and want v40415rf contact me or baldbear.
    here in this thread

    The same with clonedvd2 with anydvd will copy (all sony movies.)
    Clonedvd2 is the primary back up program I use since it came out.
    I have copied all movies with that program…that ever came out.
    The cost is around for both programs clonedvd2 and anydvd is around
    $66 dollars.there is a 21 day free trial.can be download here

    As for Platinum V and Platinum V they will not copy sony movies.
    Some time it will copy sony movies with anydvd in the back ground.
    I and baldbear have been beta testing platinum Platinum V 5.0 since it came out.
    We will let you know when it can copy the "Sony ARccOS protection" and “Settec ALPHA-DVD protection"
    $85 dollars is way to much to pay for a program that does not work.

  5. baldbear

    baldbear Member

    Jul 20, 2004
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    everything you posted will not help to get Platinum V5 to work. If it did work I think there would be more than just one person posting it will copy the sony protection. Platinum V 5 will not do what it claims to do, we have been testing this software ever since it came out and dumb luck, 4 leaf cloves, rabbits feet will not get it to copy sony. And if you were to ever go to the forums at DVDxcopy International (they are closed at this time) not one person over there ever got Platinum V5 to work also, all the posts about v5 were complaints.

  6. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Thanks for all the info, and I agree 85.00 is too expensive for this program. I have the old 321 and thought about upgrading when I developed problem with protection but opted out for the free programs Decrypter and Shrink and pay AnyDVD and CloneDVD which is cheaper an updated more regularly. If Xcopy would come down on their price I would probably upgrade, it was a good program and worked well for me for sometime. Let us know if this program is ever able to do the newer protections I may give the upgrade a try. Again, thanks.
  7. seleena

    seleena Guest

    LOL then I have just been obviously lucky in the disks I have gotten. Maybe the encryption wasn't on most of them. If they are putting it on ALL their DVD's, then I have no clue why my back ups worked.

    I heard you the first time that you were a beta tester btw =) and it doesn't work for you.

    I still have the backups, and have watched them, and used DVDXCOPY Plat International Express to make most, if not all of them.

    Both my friend and I have sheer blind dumb luck on somethings. Maybe this is just one of them. I don't know, just please don't call me stupid or a liar.

    I also get it that it doesn't work for a lot of people, heck it may not work for most people. All I have ever said was it works for me and my friend. Don't get so worked up it will raise your blood presure =). Sorry if it goes against what you are able to believe or accept. No Worries I am just waiting to get the upgrade still, to v5.0.0.13.
  8. stollery

    stollery Guest

    seleena - Maybe you could clone that machine of yours and send it to me so I could give it a good looksee? I'll be glad to pay for the shipping and handling. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2005
  9. seleena

    seleena Guest

  10. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    @ selena,

    No worries as most overllok the forum rules initially. I believe a courteous reminder goes alot farther and also keeps the mood in high spirits. Stick around there is a wealth of knowledgeable folks here and the best part its free :)

    @ ireland,

    Thanks for an inside scoop. My burn methods are similar to yours except I use dvdrb w/ cce for the occasional movie I want to back up with little or no flaws.

    @ arniebear,

    Thanks will try that along with some other insightful info put out by baldbear & ireland
  11. Happy37

    Happy37 Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    Thanks for the reply.


    " Happy37

    Platinum RF and AnyDVD will do everything Platinum V5/AnyDVD will do except the dual layer burn.

    Will Platinum V5 ever do what it claims to do...that is unknown. Is it worth the price, I will let you decide that from all the previous posts. "

    Thanks for this - I have already discovered the above fact from using Platinum RF and AnyDVD.

    As for Version 5 and dual-layer burns, I now use DVD Decrypter in ISO Read/Write modes after learning how to do so from the guides and advice from members here on AD forums, so I know that this advice works perfectly...

    Please keep up the good work - and as Ireland says:-

    " We will let you know when it can copy the "Sony ARccOS protection" and “Settec ALPHA-DVD protection "

    I will keep an eye on this thread to find out if anything new develops with X Copy Version 5.

    Ireland/Baldbear - please care to let us know if this does happen and I will then decide whether to keep Version 5 or return it for a full refund.


  12. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    you probably have anydvd and or DVD43 running in the background and dont know it lol

    this thread reminds me that i need to UNLOAD dvd x copy from my PC lol since theres NO way i would ever use it again.i mean why

    as stated CloneDVD 2 with anydvd is WAY better you can re-author ,control the burn speed ,the picture quality is better etc.

    so i really dont get why in the world you would even consider using x copy, it would be like buying a new PC and loading Windows 98 or 2000 on it ,instead of XP lol
  13. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Clonedvd2 sounds interesting............however, the free updates for ONLY A YEAR have me worried. CloneCD and Anydvd have LIFETIME updates.

    From Slysoft:
    A registration key that prevents the trial version from expiring after 21 days.
    Technical support for one year
    Free updates lifetime for AnyDVD and CloneCD
    Free updates for one year for CloneDVD

    For the beta testers and owners of Platinum V5, I would like to know how this is fairing with newer burners and faster media(single layer).

    I use PlatinumRF (modified, thanks to the posts of Psidoc and xbadboy2 on this forum). I use Maxell and Fujifilm made in Japan 8X media, 4X is almost impossible to find in my neck of the woods (western Canada). I have used PlatinumRf and booktyping from day 1, May or June 2004. Now that I have a new computer and a new burner, I am finding that the burner burns at the highest speed of the media, which in this case is 12X. Dvdinfopro shows no crc errors and yet I am having playback problems in NOT the older players, but the newer, play anything ones.

    I don't like the fact that DvdXcopyInternational does not have a trial period. Until they do, I will be looking elsewhere. Too darn expensive, to boot!
  14. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I have to agree with you on the lack of burn control in Xcopy, however Intervideo does not have it in their program either, and although the quality of the backup is very good the lack of burn control can offset this. So with that program you are better off using it to encode and then burn with another program. I must say I have always been partial to the quality of Xcopy, but that is in the eye of the beholder. I manage to get around burning too fast by using my older NEC 1300a which only burns at 4x max, and I still have some 4x disks around so this works on my 640c, but not on my Plextor 716UF which will burn even 4x disks at a higher rate unless told by the program not to. I have not experimented by just ripping and encoding with Xcopy and then using another program to burn like Intervideo, but I plan on trying this to see if that will get around the high speed issue. And, I also agree Xcopy International would be better off if they offered a trial period, or a few free burns so people could see what the program can do, considering how expensive it is.
  15. Prelude22

    Prelude22 Regular member

    Sep 20, 2004
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    @ arniebear

    I agree with you. I've tried many programs except for Rebuilder (which I will this weekend) and I've always been somehow partial with XCopy. Not sure if this is because it's the very first proggy I used or what. But anywhoo how can you tell how fast you're burning with Copy3? I have some 4x discs but would like to know if I'm burning faster with Benq1640 and NEC3540.
  16. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I just go by the amount of time it takes to burn. A 4x burn for a 2 hour movie usually takes about 14 minuntes. An 8x about 8 minutes.
  17. seleena

    seleena Guest

    I do have a question about the install of V5 btw.

    Did you uninstall the old software first? Just curiosity, I should have been born a cat.

    When I installed I forgot to uninstall 321 software and it installed V5 over it in the old 321 directories. I know probably makes no difference at all. LOL but the hubby and I watched Hitch last night just to make sure it had backed up ok. Was perfect LOL and worth watching again =)

    LOL this is like a tooth ache, I am still trying to figure out why it is working for me. Intervideo is installed on my machine as well and WInDVR and Well I seem to have a plethora of video and audio programs on this machine. LOL I forgot I even had some of them till I started looking =). I am just wondering if there is a driver that is running that won't show in task manager. Going to have to check Adaware and see what all modules are running and maybe I can figure out which ones I don't know.
  18. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Have you used Intervideo DVDCopy?
  19. seleena

    seleena Guest

    Not really it is installed and usable but I mostly use xcopy and if I get a badly scratched disk dvd decrypter. That is usually a bad idea though cause I wind up with a back up that has hiccups in it =P. Going to check man of the house tonight, it gave me fits, but was very badly scratched and had some deep nicks in it. I didn't feel like sitting and polishing on the darn thing all night. If back up is messed up though I guess I will be polishing for awhile. /SIGH
  20. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    If you have Anydvd on your computer, I would look and see if you have "hide icon" ticked in settings/program. I purchased this program when they had the $10 discount, I can attest it works wonderfully with Xcopy, the read times alone are shortened.

    The Maxells and Fujis are burning in just over 6 min in my 16x burner. Where I bought my computer (custom made) the fellow recommended the LG-4163b over Liteons. I know Liteons have a "smartburn" which identifies the blanks and then burns accordingly.

    So if anyone has a newer 16X Liteon and uses Maxell 8X (Maxell 002) or Fujifilm (Yuden000T02), I would greatly appreciate, how "Smartburn" sees these discs and at what speed they will burn.

    Btw, I still have my Liteon 451S which burns at 4X on my older computer.


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