this is the sh*test thread ever. just get too many copiers about. I aaint a great fan of eminem. i respect what he has achieved but he doesnt compare withe the likes of 2pac DJ quik etc. he has been commercialised into something bigger than he is.
I like Eminem but all he's really good at is rapping about his wife over and over and moving his hands all over the place in his videos
here's a link if you want to check out the artists on it
yeah, haven't heard much of them lately except a remix of Hey Man Nice Shot. I got the Short Bus CD but other than that haven't heard much from them.
the Clash is ok ,its really to pop/rock for me .I like my punk a little harder/rawer. Softcell was pretty much and one hit wonder kinda band in the 80s but were good
YEAH Tainted Love was really there only hit i used to play that alot when i was a DJ back in the day lol
yeah i never heard about that. i know he's sold a lot though. i think what he's doing now just makes him sound stupid. i ave to admit i did like him at some point when he first was blowing up but all his new stuff especially that ass like that song is just kinda dumb. maybe hes going through some sort of cathartic ive-always-wanted-to-write-a-song-about-that stage. its easy to do what you want when you've got millions.
Yeah, totally -- all those damn black folks on MTV with their "urban culture" and "garbage" personalities. Just throw the whole damn mess of 'em on your ignore list! Lord--another thread of you lamers bashing RAP. what gives you chumps the notion that this is some "lesser form of music" or made by some under educated idiots..'its all shit' not likin its one thing but to blow it off as "garbage" is absurd