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emulation help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by shady78, May 18, 2005.

  1. Skywriter

    Skywriter Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I am getting way too stressed out on this damn emulator. I currently have pcsxbox v.11 and v.13, but neither of them load my games! I did every single thing this whole forum says to do, but NOTHING works for me!

    I have both versions on my xbox in separate folders, just to test different things with 'em. The test game I'm working with is Frogger for playstation because it's the only one I have and I got it for free. So, what I did was: I did the whole CDRwin thing from the first page, step by step and I tried making an ISO with Qixo, but that didn't work. Then I made an ISO with Nero, but that didn't work either. I've FTP'd the .iso, .bin, and .cue files all in the psxcds folder and tried to load the .iso file, but it won't load and I tried to load the .bin file, but that wouldn't load either. I also read that there might be a skinning issue with this emulator, so I deleted the emuskins folder and tried it that way. NOTHING is working at all! I did exactly every single thing stated in this forum, but nothing is working for me. Can someone PLEASE help me before I go NUTS?!?!
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Hi...what you need to do is make a .img file...I use Alcohol 120..

    Launch the image making wizard and point it at your cd drive

    Then you get a readout of the contents of the disk..takes a few seconds

    Check the box "read subchannel data"

    Go down to "compatability" and from the pull down menu select "Playstation"..

    Hit go and wait..this can take a while..

    When It finishes you have 2 files, a .img file and a .ccd file..

    FTP the .img file into the "playstation disks" folder in the emulator, don't bother with the .ccd file..

    reboot the emu and then try selecting the game..It will list by name ending .img..

    If it's going to load then it will, otherwise try running it both in HLFE mode and BIOS FILE mode and have a mess with other settings..

    If you want to try games for compatability I suggest getting the "ePSXe" emu and installing it on the pc, then you can see what sort of settings work, or if you can get the game to run at all before going to all the trouble of making a file..The pc drives will play fine from the original disks..

    Just to add..Games I know NOT to work..

    Legacy of Kane..soul reaver
    Small Soldiers..works but for the sake of your ears mute the sound
    Railroad Tycoon
    Sim City (can't access the memory card for some reason?)
    Fear Effect 1..2 is ok
    there are some more but I can't remember them at the moment

    Skullmonkeys..well worth the effort
    Silent Hill
    GTA 1&2(2 has some sound issues) but not the add-ons like london
    All the Tombraiders

    Find me @


    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2006

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