eorovox max v 2008 (black)

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by tolgirl, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    after looking at hiteks guide, without breaking the seal on the unit we suspect that it is a clone, does this mean the unit is useless and we should try to return it or - is all not lost?
  2. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    If it is an Eurovox max V and you were sold it as an original then yes send it back if it is still under warranty, also what makes you think it is a clone?
  3. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    coz i've peeked through the grid on the casing and the wires look seperated and not in a flat strip, can't see the top yang logo you mentioned 'the things i noticed', only a qc round sticker and the flap only covers 1/2 of the front not the whole front.
  4. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    Have a look through this,


    The pictures you downloaded are for the red and blue box, the front panel on all Max Vs only open half way.

    Best way to check is look through the vents and see if you can see any red paint on the screw heads this is usually an indication of a clone.
  5. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    thanks for your help, i've had a look through the thread you suggested and i'm still confused because the description of the outer casing matched the original apart from the grey writing on the box but on looking through the vents it definately looks more like the inferior eg. no green components, wiring single srands and knotted, printed label with same number, but can't see any red paint on screw heads. i probably got it from the uk supplier pasanonic didn't want to mention. do you think i should try to download with software or firmware any way? I'm fed up!
  6. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    If I was you and you bought from a supplier who stated it was an original box I would send it back as explained before, I wouldn't advise you to put the latest Firmware which is ment for the genuine max Vs on your box that is entirly up to you, if the supplier would not accept the return I would then break the seal and post a picture on here for us all to have a look and if it is a clone I would stick with the code updates, (which you cant get here).
  7. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    do i need any software as the box came without any software provided and says free to air software is required, do I need this to update the codes. thanks again for all your help, it really is appreciated. Thank goodness for this forum.
  8. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    Before changing anything see if your supplier will allow you to return it.
  9. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    i'll try to return it, fingers crossed. i'm sure you'll be hearing from me again, but for now thank you and goodnight.
  10. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    rang the firm told them i suspect it's a clone, they said it was irrelevant and sent me to a forum to download software but still having problems, don't know if it's the box or my pc coz download keeps failing.
  11. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Of course its relevant, sounds like an extremely dodgy dealer. Can you name them please as it would help others steer clear of them.

    That and the bad press for them may stop them treating customers like this in the future.
  12. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    will do scOuser, didn't know naming them was allowed. tv gadgets otherwise known as satandcable ltd.
  13. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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  14. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    any idea where to get the code updates and what to do with them?
  15. cactikid

    cactikid Active member

    Jun 2, 2007
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  16. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

  17. malci

    malci Guest

    What firmware have you got on the box? if it has only just been supplied to you then it will most probably have the FTA firmware on, that is obviously why they have directed you to download site, what you are asking for is not allowed on this forum, and even if you got them they would not be any use to you anyway. Unfortunately the box will still need to be flashed, check what it say's in System Informatiom - Menu and across to config, down to System Information OK and see what it say's exactly.
  18. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    yes i believe it was, althouth i ordered it on 'fleabay' from tvgadgets who didn't answer my email, nor could i find a returns address or phone number. then out of the blue i get an email from delivery service advising me of a new delivery from satandcable ltd, now i got 2 identical ones.
  19. tolgirl

    tolgirl Guest

    it says....

    model DVB-XC BOX TDA
    s/w 1.0STC4 june 20 2007
    h/w 2.0t
    bootstrap v001
    website ----

    hope your wiser than me
  20. malci

    malci Guest

    yep needs flashing, if you have got two for the price of one, which it seems you have - then go on and flash one (there is nothing to lose at this point - seems they are not responding to you), make sure that you are not using Vista, there is two many conflicts reported with that OP system. also if you are using a USB adaptor, then try and get to a friends standalone PC that has the correct 9 Pin serial port and OP system XP (Therebye cutting out the adaptor) and you will get it flashed no problem, Good Luck and Good night have to get off now.


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