nope. no luck. i think my only hope is hot swapping and man that looks hard!!! plus i think i need new burners. the programs are not working. not for dvd's. they will burn cd's. i have replaced nero and downloaded imgburn. still screwed. thanks for everything guys.
they should fit on a cd. if not then let me know and i can try my best to start working on an autoinstaller for you that will fit on a cd and will just reinstall your dashboard
it did fit on a cd but won't boot when put in xbox. i would so be happy if you could help. I would be forever in debt
dude, firstly calm down second, when u said that you got the games and got the errors which game did ya use my friend has all three softmod enabled versions for sale a £30 a pop i think their quite rare and he has three mem cards for sale with the games one with each so ill ask him if he can lend ya one but you will have to pay postage their and back ok? if not, i cant think what ya can do... if ya send it me or maybe chunkhead (if he has it) we could probably get it running again as we AID disc so we could get it running but like i said you would have to pay for postage
I have no idea at all what game the dude used. I am not the techie geek as hard as i try heh paying postage would not bother me at all well, it depends how bad it is really. i wish i could make it easier. can i go rent these games and reinstall at the save point or are the games themselves that you have to do the soft mod, "modded" as well one way or the other? I'm really broke, that's why my buddy did this for me so my geeked out 6 year old could rock out with the emulators and play any game he likes. He's awesome at them. I don't have the money to buy games ya see and i got the xbox for free or i wouldn't have it haha. Just tell me what would be easiest for you guys, I really appreciate any help. If I could get ahold of the guy that did it...yea yea..That would be easiest but he is MIA. And if i didn't have a really old POS computer....I could probably figure out and do the hot swap, but my luck I would screw up both machines and then be really really angry haha. Thanks for your time MUNKYEARS, Mike and chunkhead, you guys are awesome. Trish
well its possible to rent the games problem is that only some versions work... dunno why must have been patched on the newer versions... but hey go to place where they have preowned games and look for different versions of the games... you want the originals NOT classics or anything else just the orginals of splinter cell 1 mechassault and/or 007 agent under fire these are the only games you can softmod with so these are what you want and when looking for em... always look for the originals not the ones with the borders or ones saying "classic" the originals... lol i think you will get the message i got splinter cell 1 for £1/50c from game coz im in england where you from?
I am in North Carolina and I appreciate your help. I will try all three of those games!! one of em has to work!!!! Take care and I'll let you know if this works...
cheers chunkhead i was not sure if you needed a specific version i was thinking of lumines for downgrading the psp lol as the umd got patched
You need the originals for the other two, but any version of Splinter Cell 1 will work! I personally use the 'Classic' version!