Error code when playing backup Xbox games

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Driz00, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. Driz00

    Driz00 Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Hi guys

    Ok so a friend of mine asked me to make backups of his xbox game collection as he is tired of his kids getting sticky fingers and otherwise mis treating his originals lol.

    I am a pure PC geek so xbox is unfamiliar territory to me, albeit I thought this can be no more complicated than creating an iso and burning it to disc...

    A quick Google search gave me the heads up on needing DL discs due to the size of the resultant iso and I thought bugger - haven't got any DL's atm so I will try it with one of his old xbox gamees (as opposed to his xbox 360 games) as they will be much smaller.

    I burnt an iso of one and the xbox 360 reads it fine, says there is an update available for the game and appeared to download it successfully.

    We then got a gui button that said "Play NBA Street" but when we pressed it we then got a 10-15 digit error code and a message saying the game had encountered a problem and to log on to Microsoft.comm/support??

    Is my assumption that the xbox 360 is backwards compatible with games for the original xbox incorrect?

    Or does this sounds like I've borked the burning process?

    Any advice appreciated, and apologies for the lengthy post :p

  2. necrana

    necrana Regular member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009

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