My computer just kicked me in my robot balls... After a 4 month tour in Balad Iraq I came home to a broken TV, a defaced computer monitor, my phone didnt work properly, my luggage was lost, the DVD burner in the computer went out less than a week ago and now I'm trying to finish backing up my new movies. Well, I was fresh out of DVD's so I ran over to wal mart, picked up 2 packs of 15 and started loading them to my C: drive. I got everything loaded, popped in the same brand DVD+R disk and tried to copy it to the DVD but the computer/disk drive isn't having any of it... I've tried restarting, I've tried unplugging, making sure the drive was working properly (will play movies fine), I checked to see if it was able to burn on that drive, I'm using the same DVD shrink 3.2 program to save it on the desktop and SONIC RECORD NOW to get them on the DVD itself. This is the same process I was going thru before I left in January this year. I cant seem to finish any of the DVD's. I did knock one out the other night but when I put the disk into the dvd player it didnt register (error! error!) STEP 1 - DVD Shrink to save on computer STEP 2 - Sonic Record Now to save on the DVD It works great. I didnt need anything before, has something changed? it's the same program, same computer, different DVD burner (3 days old), I cant figure it out. Any help on this matter would be great!! FYI, it saves normal on the desktop I think but I keep getting the following message when I try getting it onto the DVD... Recording error Recording errors often occur when the media contains dirt, fingerprints, or scratches. If you are getting recording errors: • Try using a new disc. • Try using a different manufacturer's disc. • Ensure the disc is clean before recording: o Remove all fingerprints, dirt, and dust from the shiny side of your disc using a nonabrasive cloth with a mild, nonabrasive soap solution. o Wipe the disc from the center to the edge. o Dry the disc completely. ________________________________________ © 2004 Sonic Solutions. All Rights Reserved. The discs are clean and right out of the box. I opened both tubes and tried several memorex DVDs from each but no go from either holder. slightly miffed SSgt R.Egan Crash Recovery
Sorry to have to tell you this but memorex are horrible discs, heres a thread you should read
Basic info on memorex- Like many brands they use more than one manufacturer to make their discs for them to slap their brand name on. Unfortunately not all of those manufacturers are quality ones. The one with issues is CMC Magnetics. A quick scan with DVD Identifier will tell you who makes your discs by giving you the manufacturer code. You can go to to find out who makes what and which ones are top notch. The last I visited, the info there was a bit dated, but the list usually doesn't change by much.
yeah but all 6 DVDs were bad??? The one DVD that did finish w/o the error message (the first) couldnt be read by the computer or the DVD player. It just wouldnt read the DVD. It was also one of the last 3 DVDs that I had when I got home. I gave 2 to a friend for him to back-up the day before. I'm missing something and I dont know what I'm doing wrong...