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Error message on attempting to burn CD-R

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by walterono, Apr 19, 2022.

  1. walterono

    walterono Newbie

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I am attempting to burn a CD-R from (legally) downloaded music tracks with Nero. I enter the tracks in the Disc Content window and then click on Burn. I get the error message 'Please enter no more than 160 characters'. I assume this refers to the Artist and Title text fields which had already been filled by the website I downloaded the tracks from. I reduce the Artist and Text Fields of all tracks to much less than 160 letters. In spite of this, when I now click Burn again the error message recurs - do not enter more than 160 characters -and I still cannot burn the CD. Why does Nero not recognize that I have complied with the error message?
  2. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Hi Walterono- I'm in a hurry this morning but, are you using Nero Express or Burning Rom? What are you selecting when you open the applicable one? Which version of Nero are you using? What is your OS? Sorry to ask so many questions but we need to be on the same page.
  3. walterono

    walterono Newbie

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I'm using Nero Burning Rom 2018 on Windows 11. Since my previous post I have discovered this happens only with one set of files of Beethoven Piano Concertos downloaded from the Presto music download site. These are bona fide files from the German DG label. As soon as I swipe the tracks across into the Disc Content window and click on Burn, the 'Please enter no more than 160 characters' message occurs, and nothing I do in terms of reducing the length of text fields can dissuade it from happening each time I hit Burn.
  4. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    The 160 character limit is that of SMS text. Not sure how that relates to this situation.

    It looks like you have to buy the files at Presto. As such, they may be copy protected and can't be burned. Unfortunately, I don't have one of the files to try. Would you mind uploading one of them to a web site such as one drive, dropbox, wetransfer etc. and then sharing it and getting a link to it. Post the link here.

    You didn't tell me what you select when you open Burning Rom. For instance, Audio CD, CD-Extra, etc. If you select Audio CD, look at the Audio CD tab. Is CD-text enabled in the CD Text area? If so, does your burner support CD-Text?
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2022
  5. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Please let me know if you need more help or identify if you've found a solution.

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