Hi, I have a Eurovox EX 10000 SL Blue I beleive. I have flashed it and everything but I have absolutely no idea how to tune it in. I have incoming N*L which I can connect to my box. I have checked the AReas_Codes_Symbol.doc but cannot make sense of this. I would be delighted if someone could spare me few minutes of their time and give me an idiot proof guide to this so I can enjoy my new purchase. Much appreciated
Have a look throught this guide, http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/674371#4103005 Your symbol rate for bolton is 6887 so no need to download the list.
Many thanks for the quick reply - must've been within less than 10 minutes of me starting the thread? I'm tuning now - I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks again