I recently got a Eurovox Max V 2008 and got it set up and working. After a couple of days, the screen would pixelate for a second and the signal would be lost. The box itself would also freeze and it would be unresponsive to the remote. Only thing I could do was unplug it and plug it back in. I might have to unplug a number of times before it would actually power up. Same thing would happen again 15 mins later. Yesterday, the problem got worse. Again the box froze and I tried the unplugging procedure but it would never power up. Tried this at least 50 times. no lights come on. Is my box dead? Has anyone ever seen this problem? Is it just software or an actual hardware problem? Should I just return it to the supplier?
Not sure if I have this September update. Bought it off Ebay and not sure what version of software supplier installed on it. No way offinding out software version as it won't turn on. Is there a link to a dummy's guide to Jtagging?
Yes there is one here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/571485 This will have all you need, please note the different methods for the different chipsets. You will also need the jtag kit itself, you can make this but I would advise you to buy one here http://www.tailor-madecircuits.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=32
Thanks for the advice. Going to take the easy option and return it to thehe supplier. Think this problem has happened to others on this forum: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/559232 Sounds exactly like my problem. Thans again.