Excellent Freeware Sites

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by Jamzbond, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Unless a freeware site has a strict no spy/addware/virus policy I dont want to go near it,Downlaod.com is alright for most things for for free free ware I go to freewarefiles.com witch strangely has more freeware than most other sites.

    Is it me are it half the net on anti resuming PHP code now? half the things I want to downlaod that are 20MB+ you cant resume ><
    its like we are stopping bandwidth misuseage by preventing download managers and multi file accelerators at the price of downloading something half way 20 times 0-o

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