Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Tagg

    Tagg Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    OK, thanks for the info vurbal and jdobbs. :)
  2. whipshock

    whipshock Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    how can i merge titles? i am trying to re-encode a flipper, i have each side in a separate folder, i then merge DVDs in DvdReMake and it creates 1 disc with two separate titles (VTS_1 & 2). DVD-RB only sees the first title. any tips for tackling this?
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2005
  3. predator9

    predator9 Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    I have asked this question to a few people and never got a for sure answer. I have been using DVD Rebuilder with CCE and experienceing problems. When I encode a movie ex. James Bond to fit onto a DVD5, It takes 20+ hours to do for just a 4 or 5 pass.
    Now my comp is faster...being a P4 2.53Ghz with 1gb 400mhz ram, so it shouldnt be taking that long. I have been told a pas should take 1-2 hours and I have been taking 4+ hours.
    I make sure to shut down everything and see if that will speed it up and it doesn't. I cant figure out what is going wrong.

    Thanks for your help in advance.

  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I feel your pain! Well maybe not! You have to join a flipper along with its menu using DVDremake and then you export it to a folder to be processed by DVD Rebuilder. Check DVDremakes web site for more.


    If your PC is taking considerably more than 3 hours to encode a DVD using RB/CCE then you have a system deficiency somewhere. The encoding time of a DVD with RB/CCE is directly proportional to the processing power of its host.
  5. predator9

    predator9 Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Thanks Wild77,

    I have v0.93 rebuilder(free) and CCE SP v2.67.00.27, and I have all the programs I need for it. It works perfectly just super slow.

    I have a decent comp and cannot seem to get good speed going. I am doing a james bond movie and cannot get speed above 0.7. I start out above one but decrease very quickly and stay there. I did a 2 pass with CCE On Evoulution and it took over 10 hours.

    Thanks for the help buddy.

  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Just curious, what do you call a decent computer? Throw in a brand, model and some specs and then the rest of us might be able to make a better assessment of your situation. What operating system are you using? My old Gateway 350MHz was a decent comp, but it got dated and I traded up. I know that example is a bit extreme. Your processor has enough speed, but what type is it and what is the front side bus on it. 1 GB RAM is sufficient, so RAM shouldn't be an issue, unless you're trying to multi task and using some really memory intensive programing other than the recording software. If you have a "decent" PC, then it sounds as though it may be stuck in PIO. If I were you, I'd check the control panel to see what the DMA settings are. If it's not that, I'd try a newer or different version of SP or the retail Basic version and do a clean install with the Rockas installer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2005
  7. predator9

    predator9 Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    hey brobear,

    I am actually running a hp763n, I have no idea what the front side bus is, so if you tell me how to figure it out I can do that for you. I have 3 hard drives, one original 70GB and then my add ons being a Western Digital 160GB and a maxtor 200GB, They are all in Ultra DMA mode, I already checked thinking maybe that was the problem. About my comp, Everything runs fine most of the time, I just preformed diskeeper on all of my drives and they are all healthy. I also try to not use any programs while running rebuilder, but I do occasionally use firefox (like I am doing now) I have beem encoding for a little over 5 and a half hours now and and I am at 15% of a 6 pass with CCE.

    I have talked to a few people about my problem to no avail, I did talk to one that had just about the same specs as me and he said it should only take between 1-2 hours to do 1 pass. I dont know whats going on, I have ran virus scans and spyware scans and still havent figured it out. I was told to go here because the people that are here know more about these programs than anyone else.

    Thanks and I hope we can figure this out, it becomes frustrating when I can't use my computer for 24+ hours.


    EDIT: Oh, and I have also tried a different version of CCE as well as DVD Rebuilder and neither helped. I have downgraded my DVDRebuilder and upgrade my CCE, Actually before I was using a different version of rebuilder and I was having problems with output size. These programs have proved to be a little difficult for me so far.... :)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2005
  8. whipshock

    whipshock Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    Thats the same guide i followed, it resulted in 1 DVD (VIDEO_TS) but two separate titles within the DVD, each are around 3.7 GB. When I load this in DVD-RB i only see VTS_01 (3.7GB), not the other title. Do you know of a way to merge these titles into 1 so theres 1 title of ~ 7.4GB ?
  9. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    I'm not sure if this is what you're asking but there is a way of merging both sides of a flipper disc so that you only have one title and one menu using DvdReMake. You can follow this guide, after you're done, run those files thru RB/CCE and you should come out with a 4.33(or so) disc with one menu that operates both sides of the flipper disc. The movie will play seamlessly. Make sure you are in advanced mode of DvdReMake for this to work.


    BTW, even using the Remake "merge Dvd's" feature where you have to choose side A or side B should work with RB/CCE. I have used it both ways and RB/CCE has always recognized both titles and came out right at 4.33. You will have a choice of disc 1 or disc 2 with the Remake emblem as your root menu. After you choose, then the respective menu should come up for the associated side.

    Are you sure you exported your finished merged Dvd project to a seperate folder that you then used in RB/CCE?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2005
  10. whipshock

    whipshock Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    thanks for the reply. i followed that link you posted and tried to register to read the thread but got a 500 error, site must be having issues

    anyway yes i used the merge feature and selected projects for disc1 & disc2, and resulted in a merged project with two separate titles, saved to a new folder. i believe DVD-RB (0.93.2) only showed 1 title of around 3GB, im going to try again. my problem might be this however which i forgot and failed to mention: disc1 and disc2 are not the full originals, they are only the vobs from the main movie and i re-created the IFOs with IFOedit. they are playable except they arent full disc backups anymore, they are movie-only backups. could this be the problem? i dont see why

    is there a way to author a brand new dvd by importing all of the vobs as one title using an authoring program?
  11. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    If you don't want the original menu, you can author the movie only with your own menu using an authoring proggy like NVE 3 or DvdLab Pro.

    If I was using a DVD to copy from I would use the original menu, there are plenty of proggys that allow you to do movie and menu only. You could write to your HDD with no compression, then run them thru Remake and then compress with your favorite app and burn.

    However, if you only have movie only then try NVE 3. It can be used using the trial if you don't have Nero Ultra 6. Ultra 6 is good each and every month from the 22nd to the 22nd. It must then be reloaded and installed after the trial expires. I also have a NVE 3 guide I wrote, for authoring a custom menu. I use it for movies off of TV(movie channels) and VHS for movies that simply aren't on DVD yet. My favorite is DvdLab Pro, but it costs 200.00 and you can use NVE 3 for free. NVE 3 allows chapters, custom backgrounds and moving clips with a handy import feature and it will write directly to a disc, or to your HDD and then run it thru whatever app you wish.

    I'm not sure why you couldn't get in the forum, they have new members joining every day. My NVE 3 guide is also in there under Nero Ultra 6.

    Try this link-


    if that doesn't work, try this-


    My NVE 3 guide is also here under Big O's mini guides:


    If you still can't get to the Remake guide let me know and I'll post it in AD in the Remake section. We don't want to stray from the thread here which deals with RB/CCE. Good luck :>)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2005
  12. whipshock

    whipshock Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    thanks for your help again, im going to play around with NVE 3 and see if i can get it to do what i want

    i still can't seem to sign up at 321, just tried again im getting 500 internal server error - strange. anyway i will keep trying and i managed to view some of your other guides regarding NVE. i will try to re-author both movie-only sides of the flipper into 1 with custom menus and see if DVD-RB/CCE will do the job. thanks again!
  13. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Last edited: Jun 17, 2005
  14. whipshock

    whipshock Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    thank you very much for all of your help posting guides, explanations, etc. ive been struggling with this flipper forever now. the closest ive come is in NVE3, i can import all 8 VOB files from both sides of the disc and renamed like so: (VTS_01_1 - 01_8) and NVE3 asks me if i want to treat them as 1 title (great) so i say yes. then i add fancy menus and chapter marks and everything looks great. however when i get to the final output process it seems like it wants to compress my video using its own compression. it says the output will be ~5.64 GB when the original totals to ~ 7GB. id like to output my entire project UNCOMPRESSED so i can process it in DVD-RB/CCE

    is there anyway to set NVE3 to not compress at all or to trick it in some way. this would solve my problem entirely!

    also i didnt see any sound options, id like to preserve my DD5.1
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2005
  15. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Have NVE 3 write to a folder to your HDD instead of burning to a disc. Then run those files thru a proggy of your choice and burn to disc. :>)
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    What processor are you using. IE: P4 2.8 at 533/800 frontside bus. The speed of your processor (CPU)is a multiple of of your CPU's clock multiplier and your frontside bus.

  17. predator9

    predator9 Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    I am using a P4 2.53 Ghz and 533 front side bus. Anything else you need to know just ask :)


  18. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    An overheating processor can case a P4 to throttle down. Just make sure the PS fan and processor fan are working.

    You can also check the task manager under the processes tab to find out were the CPU time is being used. It should be mostly on CCE.
  19. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    You can change the quality of the encode in settings changing the output size but it doesn't have an uncompressed mode like DVDrebuilder. It will just be a few different sizes. You can't really control the size precisely.

    I have gone the highest quality setting then run whatever comes out though DVDrebuilder or other program to size. I have used it on home videos and PAL to NTSC conversions.

    If you are just redoing a flipper disk then remake would be better.
  20. brobear

    brobear Guest


    Realizing you are knowledgable about systems and how the various components interact, I thought I'd just throw in the specs on a 763n HP desktop. These are typical specs. Noticed predator9's started with a 70GB HD and some additional drives were added.

    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
    Processor Intel Pentium 4 2.53 GHz
    Installed Memory 512 MB (DDR SDRAM)
    Recommended Use Home Use
    Form Factor Tower

    Processor Type Intel Pentium 4
    Processor Speed 2.53 GHz
    Processor Manufacturer Intel

    Bus Speed 533 MHz
    Video Output Interface AGP 4x

    RAM Technology DDR SDRAM
    Installed RAM 512 MB
    Max Supported RAM 2 GB
    Installed Video Memory 64 MB
    Installed Cache Memory 512 KB

    Hard Drive
    Hard Drive Capacity 80 GB

    CD / DVD
    Optical Drive Type DVD+RW
    Optical Drive Read Speed 2x (DVD) • 32x (CD) • 8x (DVD)
    Optical Drive Write Speed 12x (CD-R)
    Optical Drive ReWrite Speed 10x (CD-RW) • 2.4x (DVD+RW)

    Other Drives
    Floppy Drive 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy
    Audio / Video
    Audio Output Type Sound Card

    Modem Type Fax / Modem
    Networking Type Network Adapter
    Data Link Protocol Ethernet • Fast Ethernet

    The WD and Maxtor HDDs, are they internal or external drives? How are they configured in the system?

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