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Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If your encoded movie is an ISO file yes, but it's more probably that it's in file mode. You didn't mention any other burning softwares that you might have installed so I can't comment further.
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Here's an interesting situation. I just encoded "Diary Of a Mad Black Woman" in 84 minutes using CCE Basic 2.69. It took 153 minutes using SP Trial 2.70 set to 2 passes. However, the output for the SP was sized better. The SP output was 4.32 GB while the Basic was 2.77 GB. So, this movie poses a problem for CCE Basic that is overcome by whatever is different in the SP. The way I have RB set up, the only difference was the encoders. The same RB, decoder, and AviSynth were used.

    Would someone who knows these programs shed some light on the situation? I was under the impression that the Basic and SP used the same encoding algorithm, with SP having more "bells and whistles" and the ability to do more passes. This seems to indicate that the SP encoder, even when set to 2 passes like the Basic, does a better job. The SP trial has the big blue logo "watermark" on the video output which renders it useless as a good backup tool. And I'm sure not going to fork over $2000 for the retail dongle version to do backups. Anyone with any ideas on how to get this movie sized correctly with Basic? I've tried inserting the command to resize the file with no success. Has anyone else had problems with this movie or successfully encoded it with CCE Basic with Rebuilder?

    Without sifting through the individual files, I did an overall count and found the SP Video_TS to have 58 files while the Basic had only 55. If there is something wrong with the Basic, seems like it would show up on movies other than this particular one. I'd just used the Basic previously on part one of "Fellowship of the Ring" and the file came out about 4.3 GB. So, there was no problem there. The file structure on the "Fellowship" movie was more simple compared to the multiple files involved in the "Diary" DVD.

    Sort of a different situation with this particular DVD; this is the one that Sophocles was having so much fun with.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2005
  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I had no problem getting it to complete a backup and I thought I had it when I placed in my standalone. But when I played it I had audio all the way to the menu but once the movie began to play there was no audio, it went silent so might want to try watching it.

    You're going to love this. I compared CCE Basic and SP with the same movie and SP came in faster by over 10 minutes.LOL

    You're right about sizing SP has been giving me 4.28 to 4.3 while basic comes in at 4.32 to 4.34. I like the slightly smaller size because it doesn't burn quite as close to the outer edge.

    Check your settings again, it's probably there someplace.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2005
  4. VJbob

    VJbob Regular member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    When upgrading to 1.0 pro will I have to shell out another $25 for 1.1Pro or do I have access to all new updates?

    What kind of "pro" features are we talking about? Anything significant that a casual newbie would be excited about?

    Does 1.0 undo the 'menu locks' that I've been talking about?
  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    You'll get all updates by email at no extra charge as soon as they're released, which means getting them a few weeks before the freeware versions with fewer options are available.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2005
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    As I stated, I used the same RB setup, so all that changed was the selection to use the Basic or the SP Trial. No adjustments to be made with the CCE that I know of. Maybe I missed another memo. LOL All the other settings remained the same. Both CCE versions are loaded in Program Files, so the app is accessing them from the same Windows folder. The apps are set up in separate folders, so no interference. Just to see if the problem may be with my version of Basic, I'll just go ahead and do an install of 2.7 Basic and see how that works. I'd been meaning to update anyway.
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Versions are usually not the problem. In fact I can't remember any versions outside of some of those that were caused by earlier CCE trial versions. Many knowledgeable people still prefer CCE SP 2.50 over newer CCE versions, such that they would rather continue with its service rather than to update. We all cut our teeth using CCE Basic 6X. And in that time I've never debated with anyone over a few minutes shaved by an update or newer version. It's the machine that has to count and court the differences.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2005
  8. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Ran into problem that I have not seen before.

    Backed up the incredibles, the movie played fine for about 1:15 hours. At this point the video froze and the audio continued. I skipped the chapter to finish watching the movie , but ran into this problem 2 chapters later. Does anyone know what could be the cause? I reripped the backup to the HD and got the same errors. It looks like it was not in the burn at least.

    - Versions :
    -- CCE Basic Version:
    -- DECODER Version: UNKNOWN
    -- AVISYNTH Version:

    - DVD-RB 1.00 RC2 Pro

    No editing of the source done prior to processing it through DVD-RB.

  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I do find it interesting that the PC "counts and courts the differences" better with the SP than the Basic. Normally I wouldn't let a little sizing issue bother me at all, a few minutes is trivial. However, when it comes to well over one quarter of the capacity of the disc, then I take exception. 1.55 GB unused on a DVD5 when compressing a DVD source of about 6.8 GB affects the quality of the encode.

    Luckily I have other software to use, so backing up this DVD poses no problem. It's not on my classics list, so I used one of my transcoding apps to get a full disc backup. Even at 2.77 GB, the CCE Basic still furnished a decent video and audio. BTW, the finished backup plays well on the standalone. I didn't run into the same problems you encountered. Must have been something in the settings. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2005
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    With that one, I would think it was just a poor rip of the original source. I'd check the original for surface flaws and then check with DVDInfoPro (or similar app) to check for read/write errors. Normally I don't suggest slowing down the read speed, but if redoing the backup from the same original disc, I'd give it some thought. Then play the files (movie segments) that caused the problem to make sure they're not hanging on the PC player. I've run into similar problems and in each case it's been a bad rip due to one of the situations I noted, faulty source or just a bad read for some inexplicable reason. I don't go dissecting problem files when a fresh rip solves the problem. One can waste a lot of time and still not find the source of the original problem if it doesn't repeat itself consistently. I backed up "The Incredibles" and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary to cause problems.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2005
  11. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    AS I understand it you will always get free updates after donating to dvd-rb.This is a great program that should cost us all a lot more and delivers incredible results.I donated and plan to again since they are not demanding money to try their product they only ask.The money we donate allowes them to continue to develope their product to our benefit.That is just my opinion.
  12. VJbob

    VJbob Regular member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    you're right I know. I'll donate sometime this week. I just thought it would be cool if 'jdobbs' responded to one of my questions, just so I can say, " yeah I talked with jdobbs about how to improve DVD-RB" LOL =P

    Whoa there is a whole webpage for DVD-RB. Didn't know that before. Just donated $25. Maybe my menu locks suggestion will be acknowledged now. [crosses fingers]

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2005
  13. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    I should have taken the time to clean the DVD before the rip. Well, for that lack of foresight it looks like DVD-RB will be back up and running once again.
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    jdobbs is a busy bee but if you hang around long enough he'll make an appearance. I seem to recall pissing him off the first time I met him but he still communicates with me from time to time.


    Have we met before?
  15. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I'm always lurking here.... but Sophocles and Brobear are really quick with answers. Besides, my posts are never as interesting...

    You did ask though if I was thinking of "unlocking" the menus. I'm looking at adding an option to remove Prohibited User Operations. But I have to be careful when I do -- because it can sometimes confuse the player to respond to an unexpected event.


    "pissed off"... me??? Now that really pisses me off! ;)

  16. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    [Hmm.. a repeated message???? -- deleted]

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2005
  17. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Here's the log from my last backup useing DVD-RB/CCE. This folder was 6.49 GB after editing with DVDRemake. I think I'm going to quit useing UnDot filter since I really can't see any improvement and it slows down encoding.

    [20:37:02] One Click encoding activated...
    [20:37:03] Phase I, PREPARATION started.
    - CCE Basic encoder selected.
    - AVS Filters are enabled.
    - "Steal Space from Extras" mode is enabled.
    - VTS_01: 2,594,894 sectors.
    -- Scanning and writing .D2V file
    -- Processed 168,191 frames.
    -- Building .AVS and .ECL files
    - VTS_02: 362,062 sectors.
    -- Scanning and writing .D2V file
    -- Processed 37,055 frames.
    -- Building .AVS and .ECL files
    - VTS_03: 194,178 sectors.
    -- Scanning and writing .D2V file
    -- Processed 22,530 frames.
    -- Building .AVS and .ECL files
    - VTS_07: 60,572 sectors.
    -- Scanning and writing .D2V file
    -- Processed 5,210 frames.
    -- Building .AVS and .ECL files
    - VTS_08: 27,252 sectors.
    -- Scanning and writing .D2V file
    -- Processed 3,160 frames.
    -- Building .AVS and .ECL files
    - Reduction Level for DVD-5: 59.0%
    - Overall Bitrate : 2,767Kbs
    - Space for Video : 3,326,228KB
    - Movie improvement from extra reduction = 2.8%
    - HIGH/LOW/TYPICAL Bitrates: 3,552/600/2,767 Kbs
    [20:39:57] Phase I, PREPARATION completed in 2 minutes.
    [20:39:57] Phase II ENCODING started
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 0
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 1
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 2
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 3
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 4
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 5
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 6
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 7
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 8
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 9
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 10
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 11
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 12
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 13
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 14
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 15
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 16
    - Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 17
    - Creating M2V for VTS_02 segment 0
    - Creating M2V for VTS_02 segment 1
    - Creating M2V for VTS_03 segment 0
    - Creating M2V for VTS_03 segment 1
    - Creating M2V for VTS_07 segment 0
    - Creating M2V for VTS_07 segment 1
    - Creating M2V for VTS_08 segment 0
    - Creating M2V for VTS_08 segment 1
    [22:48:59] Phase II ENCODING completed in 129 minutes.
    [22:49:00] Phase III, REBUILD started.
    - Copying IFO, BUP, and unaltered files...
    - Processing VTS_01
    - Reading/processing TMAP table...
    - Rebuilding seg 0 VOBID 1 CELLID 1
    - Rebuilding seg 1 VOBID 1 CELLID 2
    - Rebuilding seg 2 VOBID 1 CELLID 3
    - Rebuilding seg 3 VOBID 1 CELLID 4
    - Rebuilding seg 4 VOBID 1 CELLID 5
    - Rebuilding seg 5 VOBID 1 CELLID 6
    - Rebuilding seg 6 VOBID 1 CELLID 7
    - Rebuilding seg 7 VOBID 1 CELLID 8
    - Rebuilding seg 8 VOBID 1 CELLID 9
    - Rebuilding seg 9 VOBID 1 CELLID 10
    - Rebuilding seg 10 VOBID 1 CELLID 11
    - Rebuilding seg 11 VOBID 1 CELLID 12
    - Rebuilding seg 12 VOBID 1 CELLID 13
    - Rebuilding seg 13 VOBID 1 CELLID 14
    - Rebuilding seg 14 VOBID 1 CELLID 15
    - Rebuilding seg 15 VOBID 1 CELLID 16
    - Rebuilding seg 16 VOBID 1 CELLID 17
    - Rebuilding seg 17 VOBID 1 CELLID 18
    - Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
    - Updated VTS_C_ADT.
    - Updated VTS_VOBU_ADMAP.
    - Updated IFO: VTS_01_0.IFO
    - Updating TMAP table...
    - Processing VTS_02
    - Reading/processing TMAP table...
    - Rebuilding seg 0 VOBID 1 CELLID 1
    - Rebuilding seg 1 VOBID 1 CELLID 2
    - Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
    - Updated VTS_C_ADT.
    - Updated VTS_VOBU_ADMAP.
    - Updated IFO: VTS_02_0.IFO
    - Updating TMAP table...
    - Processing VTS_03
    - Reading/processing TMAP table...
    - Rebuilding seg 0 VOBID 1 CELLID 1
    - Rebuilding seg 1 VOBID 1 CELLID 2
    - Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
    - Updated VTS_C_ADT.
    - Updated VTS_VOBU_ADMAP.
    - Updated IFO: VTS_03_0.IFO
    - Updating TMAP table...
    - Processing VTS_07
    - Reading/processing TMAP table...
    - Rebuilding seg 0 VOBID 1 CELLID 1
    - Rebuilding seg 1 VOBID 1 CELLID 2
    - Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
    - Updated VTS_C_ADT.
    - Updated VTS_VOBU_ADMAP.
    - Updated IFO: VTS_07_0.IFO
    - Updating TMAP table...
    - Processing VTS_08
    - Reading/processing TMAP table...
    - Rebuilding seg 0 VOBID 1 CELLID 1
    - Rebuilding seg 1 VOBID 1 CELLID 2
    - Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
    - Updated VTS_C_ADT.
    - Updated VTS_VOBU_ADMAP.
    - Updated IFO: VTS_08_0.IFO
    - Updating TMAP table...
    Correcting VTS Sectors...
    [22:58:42] Phase III, REBUILD completed in 9 minutes.

    [22:58:42] PREPARE/ENCODE/REBUILD completed in 141 min.

  18. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    A page or two ago there was mention of MS Run Time errors. I thought that I would report my recent experience with one. Over the weekend I was redoing Platoon, and got the #6 error w/RB v88 & w/W2k. I hadn't gotten a run time error for some time, so I thought I would try to run the files on a second computer I have that has the same CPU and motherboard...and v88 (I typically use this computer for non-video work). Well, all went fine as it usually does on the other video computer.

    I don't have an astounding conclusion to offer here...just to confirm that the error is elusive, and IMO, is most likely not related to RB.
  19. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Both DVD Decrypter and AnyDVD have provisions for eliminating PUOs. AnyDVD has a setting in Navigation to eliminate trailers and go direct to the menu. Since you rip the source for use with RB, why not take care of those pesky PUOs in that step?

    Glad it was just one of those simple oversights. The kids have stuck enough discs in the player while chowing down on KFC and pizza to have me checking discs first thing. Those big greasy thumbprints play havoc on the optical head's ability to read.
  20. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    - Corrected "Runtime Error 6" during REBUILD on
    sources that have very large TMAP tables in
    the IFO file.
    - Fixed "Runtime Error 6" error that could occur
    in the ENCODE phase when attempting to use
    SLIDESHOW mode on the last segment of a stream.
    - Corrected an error in REBUILD that could result
    in a "Runtime Error 6, Overflow" when still
    rebuilding segments selected as SLIDESHOW.

    You really need to upgrade as the versions come out. As you'd expect while in beta, there are lots of errors that get corrected with every version.

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