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Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Version .88 is quite a ways back. I've really enjoyed using Version1.00X. I've been doing "movies and menus only (Blank extras) backups." It allows one to save space and keep more than one audio track and still be able to access audio setup.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2005
  2. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    @jdobbs and Sophocles
    Thanks for the suggestions. Things have been quite busy lately and I've fallen behind on the updates. Little did I know how much!
  3. hiemster8

    hiemster8 Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    Hello all, I just read the memo about becoming a DVD REBUILDER charter member is it to late? I was a VIP. Please let me know as I love your product and I use it daily. It is a great product and I loved looking fowared to checking my E-mail for your new builds. Thanks Hiem.
  4. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    If you are already a VIP -- you ARE a charter member!
  5. dmt0

    dmt0 Member

    May 3, 2005
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  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Luckily it only happens on a few movies, but it does happen for some reason.

    [bold]- Possible dropped frame(s) noted in this segment, continuing...
    - Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 2
    - Possible dropped frame(s) noted in this segment, continuing... [/bold]

    I had similar entries in my log. May be a relation there. Basic will drop things from source files and SP will retain them.

    I've only noticed significant problems on a couple of movies. I don't pay much attention to small differences of a few hundredths of a GB. The times I've checked on comparisons, the SP has done a better job of sizing the video, even if in small increments. As I noted though, when it comes to a major portion of the disc capacity, I find it troublesome. Also, it is directly attributable to the difference in SP and Basic. I've run the check more than once. The problem is, for a retail version of SP, one needs to be rich.

    If you have a chance, do a comparison on the problem DVD you were doing and use the SP trial as well as the Basic. Use the same settings, just change the encoder. SP will have the logo on the video output, but it will tell you if the problem is confined to the Basic encoder. Inserting the target size command had no effect when I tried it with Basic, but the SP encoder sized the files up to the 4GB range without the command.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2005
  7. hiemster8

    hiemster8 Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    Thank goodness. All is well again. :)
  8. dmt0

    dmt0 Member

    May 3, 2005
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    Woooh, that would require me to free up some hard disk space. Let's see what happens when you install cce 2.70.
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You probably won't see any significant change, if the problem is only with a certain few DVDs. Now if it was across the board, then a clean install might be in order. I don't see why you would have to free any significant amout of space on your PC. Not much more than what you currently have is needed. All you need to add is the SP trial. You use the same RB setup you currently have. Just add the encoder path to the SP Trial in Setup. Then do the trial on the problem movie with the Basic as you normally would. Save the log. Then delete the other files. Reset RB to use the SP Trial, using the same settings in RB and just changing the encoder selection. Other than the small amount of space to store the SP trial, you don't use any more space than you already have. I updated from the 2.69 to the 2.70 and there was absolutely no difference with RB.
  10. VJbob

    VJbob Regular member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    ok I just read the advanced DVD-RB to try and learn about filters and if they are useful for multi-episodic DVDs however a lot of it doesn't make much sense to me and it sounds like some filters can drastically alter your DVD. I was thinking of using 'undot' and 'deen' filters to try one time but I'm not sure what to be looking for in the final product.

    About the menu locks, If I run my output folder with DVDShrink and burn with that app will I lose any quality from originally encoding with DVD-RB if I run it through both programs? Just a thought.
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Don't use filters unless you are having problems with a particular type of video noise on a particular movie (original), otherwise just use the default settings. Filters shouldn't be needed unless there are problems with the originals and usually the only problems in such cases are compression related.
  12. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    VJbob I am not sure how well undot and deen will do with episodic dvd's but i have been reading alot about filters here at afterdawn as well as other forums.I tried undot and deen with bruce almighty and road to perdition and tried it without the filters out of curiosity and saw no real difference with the final dvd's.I did read that with episodic dvd's such as star trek they hurt more than help the finished product.As far as dvd shrink goes with dvd-rb i only use dvd shrink to edit the movie to reauthor it so i can get just the movie without the extra junk.I set shrink to reauthor and no compression and save it to the hard drive.then i use dvd-rb to process and nero to burn it.I hope i have been at least a little help.
  13. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    What exactly is video noise?I understand that in star trek episodic dvd's the transporter scenes could be affected by using these filters.I would appreciate your opionion an a regular movie using dvd-rb with HC encoder should I use undot and deen?OR anyones opionion that would like to help.thankyou.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2005
  14. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Video "noise" is the little spots and lines that work their way into videos. It was more prevalent with the older videos that were copied and recopied on film. I was watching a Glenn Ford "oldie" last night and it was ate up with it. As for those filters, they're for repairing problems. If you don't see a problem on the original, then the filters will cause more problems than they will do good. If nothing else, it just adds needless processing time. As for the transporter effect on Star Trek, that special effect resembled a massive amount of video "noise", so I can see why the filters would mess with it.

    First of all, Shrink doesn't burn. Yes there will be some changes from the RB output, softening of the video output. Often not very noticable, but there. I believe Sophocles ran into that at one point and brought it to my attention.
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Just so you know what these filters are about, here's a couple of common definitions.

    [bold]Deen[/bold] is a set of assembly-optimised denoisers,
    like various 3d and 2d convolutions.
    requires a iSSE capable cpu.

    [bold]UnDot[/bold] is a simple median filter for removing dots, that is stray orphan pixels and mosquito noise. It basicly just clips each pixel value to stay within min and max of its eight surrounding neighbors.

    Just from the definitions it should be obvious these filters might mess with "Beam me up Scotty" effects (all those swirling and jumping little spots). Unless you're doing episodes of old movies (or older movies for that matter), you probably won't need these filters. The newer digital mastering and digital reproduction eliminates a lot of the "noise" problems. [bold]No problem on the source, no need for a filter.[/bold] Also, a bunch of older special effects were done with film manipulation and that could lead to some filter problems one doesn't want. So, be careful when using the filters and know what they're for and how they work before using.

    Hmmm... Wonder what would happen to the ray blasts from the Martian ships in the original War Of The Worlds using undot and deen?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2005
  16. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Yeah I had noticed the effects shrink can have and started that mess on that thread by pointing it out but I ran out of bullets and ask Soph for some back up. Now whenever I see somebody useing shrink as a ripper/editor I just leave it alone.

  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Can't say as I blame you. Often people are working with regular size monitors and the "softening" can be so slight as to go unnoticed. Therefore, "if I don't see the problem, then there can't be one". At its worst it looks like someone changed the contrast settings to dull the picture. When you go to larger screens and even do a little enlargement, the "softening" aspect becomes more pronounced. It would probably drive the likes of BigO "batty" with his big theatre projector. ;)
  18. Calibum

    Calibum Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    I have been having problems with CCE and DVDRBv1-RC2 and now RC3. I have tried to get caught up on the interleaving and/or multi-angle processing errors that have been occurring, but I thought they were fixed in RC3. This is the first time I have actually experienced this problem while in trying to back up Unbreakable and WhiteSquall. Now in RC3 the output file sizing seems strange and the movie credits jump between french and english versions. The VOB output file sizes are :

    VTS_01_1.VOB 1048574 KB
    VTS_01_2.VOB 1048574 KB
    VTS_01_3.VOB 1048574 KB
    VTS_01_4.VOB 1411648 KB
    VTS_01_5.VOB 398 KB

    What gives? Any suggestions?

  19. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    The file sizing difference is normal. As a general rule (that I don't think anyone pays any attention to but me) that ILVU code shouldn't cross file boundaries. So if it would, DVD-RB starts a new VOB. I'm thinking about joining the crowd and just ignoring that rule, because I've found so many commercially mastered discs that violate it.

    Are you positive about the size you've printed for the large one?
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2005
  20. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Damn... I just noticed something.

    I put some new code in that I meant to disable until it was complete. Please add this line to your REBUILDER.INI file. I'm going to disable it an get an interim fix out. Under "Options" add:




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