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Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    I ran into a problem with a dvd backup of star trek that i backed up last night.The dvd has 4 episodes and is about 310 minutes.On the first episode only the audio is not matching the actors speaking.It is like watching a foreign movie that was replaced with english language.The picture is fine and it is only that one episode.I was just wondering why this would happen with dvd-rb?I used the Hc mode with the one pass and best setting and burned with decrypter at 2x.Also I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion about the new HC feature variable bitrate bias setting it is at its default setting of 20 should that be left alone or any suggestions on what the best setting for it would be.Thanks for any help.
  2. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    The setting of 20 is pretty good. If you change it, you may want to try going lower first. The lower settings will give a wider swing between high demand and low demand areas... but might slightly increase the chance of "blocking" in near-black scenes.
  3. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    Thankyou for your reply.I think I will you the old if it ain't broke don't fix it with the settings.I have had good results with it set at 20.
  4. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest

    What program do you guys use to burn the Resulting DVD-RB files?

    I have been using NERO but I occasionally get compliance warnings. I play the movie but it still seems to work fine without any problems.

    I was wondering what other Burning programs are good....

    DVD Decrypter only burns ISO files, correct?
  5. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    dvd-rb pro lets you use iso mode to burn with decrypter.I use nero and ignore the warnings and the playback had been good so far.
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Most any burner app will do a good job. VSO's CopyToDVD and Blindwrite, the Nero burner in the Nero suite, Sonic, and the free Decrypter; there's others. As noted the Decrypter only does ISO, but RB gives you an ISO if set to the selection. So, this is one of those situations where you can use what you're comfortable with.

    One thing I've noticed, Nero will burn after noting a possible compliance issue, other burners I've tried won't. I've also got the compliance warnings and burned with Nero with good results on the backup.

    I've got a tendency to use CopyToDVD myself, it does an excellent job. It's also easy to bring up because it's on the right click mouse menu when you click a video_ts folder.
  7. brobear

    brobear Guest


    Will there ever be support for some of the major burners so RB can go ahead and burn like other backup apps? It coud be similar to the way DVD Shrink was set up to support Nero, CopyToDVD, and DVD Decrypter. Those three would be good candidates. I particularly liked the option in Shrink where the backup was copied to the hard drive and then burned with CopyToDVD. With that option, if something goes wrong, one has the encoder output. RB already has DVDFiles in the Output folder, all it needs is to automatically start a burner from there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2005
  8. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I'm not really that familiar with the way Shrink did it. I personally couldn't stand the pixelation I got with Shrink and used the (very burdensome) DEMUX/DVD2AVI/CCE/SCENARIST/IFOUPDATE method before DVD Rebuilder.

    Do you mean just call them directly the way DVD-RB calls DVD Decrypter with ISO files?
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2005
  9. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    Are we getting a little lazy with backups brobear?lol only joking that would be a cool feature for nero or decrypter.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    @ jdobbs

    Shrink created the output much as RB does. The problems with Shrink occurred in the transcoding process. With Shrink there was the option to allow the auto burn from where Shrink had put the output in a temp folder or as I mentioned, the image could be stored to the hard drive in a permanent file and burned. Basically it was just giving options of what was to be done with the output. One could even choose to record to the hard drive and burn at a later time.

    I only used Shrink as an example because it supported burners. Without a burner, Shrink could record files to the HD, exactly as RB now does. Granted, Shrink doesn't have the quality of RB/CCE, but the burner support was nice. To add that to RB, it would be necessary to have the option to burn the DVDFiles folder from Output with the supported burner. I'm not a programmer, so I don't know how Shrink wrote it in. I just know it was a handy option.

    I think the controls must be some sort of script to run the auxiliary burners. When it used DVD Decrypter as the burner, Shrink automatically set the Mode in Decrypter to ISO Write. So, it set the Mode, entered the location of the source and gave the command to burn. When going to use the Decrypter for ripping after a burn with Shrink, it was necessary to set the app back to Files or ISO Read in Mode settings. So, burner support is only supplemental to the original function of the transcoder or encoder. I was just wondering if burner support could be an add on with the RB to make it a more attractive package.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2005
  11. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Probably. ;) Like you, I thought it would be cool.

    I really don't mind clicking the folder and entering the burn manually. Since the RB process takes a while, it would be nice to come back to the completed backup and not have to get back into it for the burn. I realize it might not be practical with batch files, unless it was set to burn one of them. However, for a single task where the one output path is in the RB path setup, I thought it might be practical.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2005
  12. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    I normally set up dvd-rb to do its thing and then i go to bed.In the morning it would be nice to find a finished dvd instead of the one more step to go.The only problem i could see with that is nero being so busy with those warnings,it would not burn until you aknowleges the warnings.Would be nice for decrypter and copytodvd though.Not lazy but it is practical.
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    We do live in a disposable and fast food world. I prefer to batch mode about 3 or even 4 movies at a time using RB, a convenience that isn't found native in DVD Shrink. The result is far more time saved than would be gained transcoding and burning a single movie using an interface such as Shrink and Decrypter and it's done while you sleep. Later in the day when I get home from work then I burn them at my leisure. With other methods there might be some minor conveniences but not a one of them match having 3 to 4 or more movies ready to burn at the end of the day. It frees up your computer for other purposes.:)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2005
  14. mace71299

    mace71299 Guest

    I have never used the batch mode before do you have to do the settings or options before each movie or does it just keep the settings and do 1 after another.And do you get the same results as if you did just 1 at a time?
  15. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    In order to use batch all you have to do is configure the settings the way you want them for each DVD and save them in a Project file (File menu). You can have as many project files as you want. Then load the project files into the batch list -- and let it run. It encodes in exactly the same manner as individual encodes. Be careful about output locations, though. If you run two jobs with the same output location the last one will overwrite the first.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2005
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It really isn't that difficult to setup batch mode, just practice a couple of times and you'll get it. Once you've used it a couple of times then you'll learn to appreciate the convenience of encoding when you don't use your PC so that you won't have to encode when you do use it.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2005
  17. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I personally do most of my encodes in Batch mode. As you can imagine I'm running test continually. I generally run 3-4 jobs every night while I'm sleeping.

  18. marvmcc

    marvmcc Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    [bold]I personally do most of my encodes in Batch mode. As you can imagine I'm running test continually. I generally run 3-4 jobs every night while I'm sleeping.[/bold]

    You sleep??......


  19. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I use both batch and single encoding on a regular basis. So having a burn option would be handy. I imagine there's a lot of people doing single burns that would like to see the burner support as well. Depending on how it's done, the last of the batch files might be set to burn. So, even with batch, one burn might be out of the way.

    As far as compliance warnings, I've only run into that with 2 or 3 DVDs at most. It's not a regular occurrence. I remember once I got a warning with CopyToDVD which wouldn't do the burn. Then I tried Nero, got the warning, burned and got a backup that played the way it was supposed to. When I've run into this it has been with DVDs having structural encryption. Not sure if that is just a coincidence because other backups done have the same type encryption and recorded without a warning.
  20. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest

    I get the compliance errors around 1 out of 4 backups. Using Nero.
    But your right, I just ignore them and the movies play just fine.

    I think they might be empty .vobs files or something. RB might have deleted some info from these and nero is looking for the info...

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