Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Don't worry, no offense taken. I know some of my posts (or even sentences) can be a little confusing for people (including me!) to read without going over them a couple of times. I didn't want people to get the wrong impression and think I was arguing an opposing view. As it happens, the main reason for my initial interest in using DVD-RB was because it's the only way I know of to set correct chapter points with CCE Basic since you can't force I frames like you can with SP. And since that's the only one version I have available now it's a pretty important feature. That alone was worth my $10 donation.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue
    DVD Rebuilder Guides: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial.cfm http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial_advanced.cfm[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2004
  2. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    One other comment... I've said it before and I'll say it again. I really like your guide. It's the best one I've seen and makes its points very clearly and concisely. It's pretty much what drew me into joining this forum -- I just happened to find it in a web search. Excellent work.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2004
  3. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Thanks again! I guess the time I spent teaching has paid off.
  4. happyuser

    happyuser Guest

    You had been and are very generous to take your time to answer our questions. That is very generous of you.
    Again, DVD-Rebuilder is a great program: since long, I had been painfully stuck with the Big 3 Method and now I have been saved by this DVD-Rebuilder.

    Besides, this is a public forum: so I will not try to make you have to reveal your "secrets" ( your specialty secrets ).

    What I did with this DVD-Rebuilder is this ( please allow me to tell this ):
    All of the DVDs that I had done with this DVD-Rebuilder are FILM contents or contents that need to be IVTCed.
    What I do is to disable "Interlaced" for all the VTS_Sets and then go into each and everyone of the AVSs ( video segments ) that are pure interlaced and deinterlace these pure interlaced segments with SmoothDeinterlacer ( I only deinterlace those that are pure interlaced ). The reason I do like this is after I disable "Interlaced" for all the VTS_Sets, this DVD-Rebuilder will encode all of the segments ( AVSs ) in all the VTS_Sets as PROGRESSIVE ( evidence is progressive=1 ) without any deinterlacing being done. When a pure interlaced being encoded as progressive, I think this pure interlaced should be deinterlaced with a good deinterlacer, like the SmoothDeinterlacer. It makes sense to deinterlace a pure interlaced segment ( AVS ) before encoding it as progressive. And that is the reason I had used SmoothDeinterlacer and I had found the result to be perfect at low bitrate ( I had even lowered my EXTRAS to 1145 kbps and still these extras look pretty impressive in my TV ).
    But in order to achieve the above, it had been taking me an extra lot of effort and time ( depending on how many pure interlaced AVSs there are ) to insert the SmoothDeinterlacer statement into these pure interlaced segments. ( I first run the Prepare with NO "Disable Interlaced" for all VTS_Sets and with "Deinterlace with DECOMB" ( to a TEMP directory ) so that to find out which of the AVSs ( segments ) are pure interlaced ( FieldDeinterlacer(blend=false) ); and then I run the actual prepare phase for my actual encoding ).
    So as you had seen, without your help of giving us an option to specify our own syntax for deinterlacing the pure interlaced contents ( with the SmoothDeinterlacer ), we will have to spend more extra effort and time to achieve the best possible quality gain as I had tried SmoothDeinterlacer with this DVD-Rebuilder.
  5. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Unless I misunderstand you -- you should be able to add any filtering statements to the AVS by using the filter editor under the AVS advanced options.

    I wouldn't agree, however, that pure interlaced sources should be converted to progressive. When a source is interlaced, trying to convert it to progressive will distort it and almost always result in inferior picture. Progressive streams are only better when they are built from a truly progressive source (like Film).

    The fact that you can convert a source doesn't mean you should

    No secrets here. Sharing information and techniques is what these forums are all about.

  6. bappida69

    bappida69 Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Great forum here!!

    I just tried out (at least I tried to !)DVD Rebuilder after all the hype. Well, I followed the settings in the guide listed. This is what I did so far:

    (1) Used DVD Decrypter to back up my movie Barbershop for all the files.(about 6.5 GB)
    (2) Opened up DVD Rebuilder(V 0.56). The first error I got was that this had multiple angles and not supported by RB. But when I clicked on ok and closed the screen, the message was not there. So I chose Transcode(I have One-Click Mode ticked). It continued for hours and hours. At the end of it, when it was 100% complete, I looked up the folder.And sure enough, there were two folders-D2VAVS and AUDIO_TS. But the first folder was just 3.5 GB (as against the original 6.5 GB)and the Audio folder was empty. Deciding to try and burn the same, I could not do it because there was no Video_TS.IFO for burning!! The folder did not have any such files.

    So is there something else I need to do to create the files? I am really very keen to try this out.

  7. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Bad luck. Only a few movies (I'd guess less than 5%) use multiple angles... and the one you chose to try does. The current beta version of DVD-RB does not support DVDs that have multiple angles. I'm in the middle of developing that code right now. When DVD-RB says it doesn't support it, it's not kidding.

    The audio folder is always empty on a video DVD -- but it should still be there for compatibility on some players.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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  9. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    DVDrebuilder doesn't support multi angle.
    On the movies that use multi-angle or Interleave you need to strip the angles with a third party program.

    DVDremake is popular and I use it regularly.
    You can remove the angles along with any unwanted extras and keep the menus. It is easy to use.
    I don't have to strip angles on most movies but I still edit the extras out on most.
  10. bappida69

    bappida69 Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Thanks for the response! But as I had mentioned

    "But when I clicked on ok and closed the screen, the message was not there. So I chose Transcode(I have One-Click Mode ticked). It continued for hours and hours. At the end of it, when it was 100% complete, I looked up the folder.And sure enough, there were two folders-D2VAVS and AUDIO_TS. But the first folder was just 3.5 GB (as against the original 6.5 GB)and the Audio folder was empty. Deciding to try and burn the same, I could not do it because there was no Video_TS.IFO for burning!! The folder did not have any such files.

    So is there something else I need to do to create the files?"

    Is this because of the multi angles problem. Transcoding completed successfully.


  11. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    Yes this is because of the multi angle.
  12. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    @happyuser: As I stated previously, if you want to make changes to the AVS files for individual titles you should look at RB-Opt. Once you have it set up (with your preferred filters added to the favorites) you should be able to make any changes you'd like in no more than a couple of minutes.
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If you attempt to encode a multi angled movie without removing the extra angles you will not succeed. The extra angle have to be edited out and DVDremake does that in a couple of minutes without affecting the main movie. Then you'll have to add about another 20 minutes to export it. I gave you the URL for a thread here on AD that contains the information that we shared as we learned to do it, all of our first steps are there. I often jokingly refer to it as the DareDevil test.



    In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?"

    Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  14. happyuser

    happyuser Guest

    In DVD-Rebuilder, if I disable "Interlaced" for a particular VTS-set, this DVD-Rebuilder will encode all the AVSs ( segments ) in this VTS-set as progressive, no matter what these AVSs ( segments ) maybe be pure interlaced or not. So pure interlaced AVSs ( segments ) are being encoded as PROGRESSIVE.

    Within one particular VTS-set, especially those EXTRAS VTS-set, there are AVSs ( segments ) of pure interlaced, there also are AVSs ( segments ) of progressive and of other types. When I decide to deinterlace those pure interlaced AVSs ( segments ), I only want to deinterlace these pure interlaced AVSs ( segments ) but not the others. For example, if, let's say, VTS_05 has ten AVSs ( segments ): four of them are either progressive or contents that need to be IVTCed, and the rest are either pure interlaced or hybrid type. And let's say that the pure interlaced or hybrid types are 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10. Obviously you can not add statement to deinterlace with SmoothDeinterlacer to the other AVSs but only to 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 AVSs. So RB-Opt will not work.

    Again, if you disable "Interlaced" for all VTS-sets, this DVD-Rebuilder will encode all the AVSs ( segments ) in all the VTS-sets as PROGRESSIVE without any deinterlacing being done. So pure interlaced AVSs ( segments ) are being encoded as progressive without being deinterlaced.
  15. happyuser

    happyuser Guest

    Have you tried the SmoothDeinterlacer with DVD-Rebuilder? If you have already tried it, you should not have answered ( responsed ) like that.
  16. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  17. 64026402

    64026402 Active member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    I have read your posts as well as Vurbals and Sophocles and jdobbs.
    It was made apparent to me that deinterlacing is not a way to improve the quality of a DVD backup.
    Why do you keep posting in a thread dedicated to helping improve backup quality when you have no such recommendations.
    Do you not yet understand what you are doing?
    Try reading all of the posts again. If I can figure it out by reading them you should be able to also.

    Thanks Vurbal, Sophocles, and jdobbs.
    Your posts have been very educational in this arguement.
  18. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    That feature isn't meant for NTSC. There are some PAL sources that are reported to be actually progressive -- but were encoded as interlaced. I added that option as the result of a request from a PAL user. If you want to use it, go for it. But I want to make it clear to anyone else reading -- it is my opinion that converting interlaced to progressive is a very bad idea.
  19. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Just keeping it clean.

    In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?"

    Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  20. happyuser

    happyuser Guest

    Your advice is very helpful to me. I want to teach others on how to use this DVD-Rebuilder. So I have to learn thoughly this DVD-Rebuilder: even the bad way to handle encoding procedures. Please allow me to say a few things about the 29.976 fps ( interlaced ) ==> 23.976 fps interlaced encoding as follows:

    64026402 and others.

    In DVD-Rebuilder, somehow, all the AVSs ( video segments ) being fed into CCE at 23.976 fps: what this means is CCE will encode these at 23.976 fps. After the encoding process has completed, the reauthoring engine in DVD-Rebuilder will "Flagged" ( add pull down or other methods ) to bring these AVSs ( video segments ) back to its original state.
    Even the progressive 23.976 FILM will be added pulldown and the result will be INTERLACED to the DVD player that will display this onto the TV.
    And so, if I CORRECTLY deinterlace those pure interlaced ( 23.976 fps ) AVSs ( video segments ) and then encode them as PROGRESSIVE at 23.976 fps, the pulldowns that are applied to these AVSs after the encoding process will bring them back into the state of INTERLACED as the dvd player will see them as such.
    Besides, you have already lost 6 frames ( 29.976 - 23.976 = 6 ) per second before the CCE has a chance to encode these pure interlaced segments, then why not take advantage of the PROGRESSIVE 23.976 fps specification to encode these pure interlaced as progressive to take advantage of the PROGRESSIVE ENCODING instead of the interlaced encoding. We all know that progressive encoding is more efficient than interlaced encoding.
    According to DVD and video specification, pure ntsc interlaced are 29.976 fps ( and within one frame, there are two fields ). DVD-Rebuilder had already truncated 6 frames out of the original 29.976 frames: and this is a 6 frames lost before feeding into the CCE encoding engine.
    You used to hear people saying that:
    1. 29.976 fps ntsc interlaced ( pure interlaced ).
    2. 29.976 fps ntsc progressive FILM ( 23.976 progressive film being telecined into 29.976 fps ).
    3. 25 fps ( pal ) either interlaced or progressive.

    Up until the presence of this DVD-Rebuilder, you have the new term and this new term is 23.976 fps INTERLACED.

    You had already lost six frames per second: then why not take this opportunity of the standard specification of 23.976 progressive film to encode these pure interlaced 23.976 into PROGRESSIVE 23.976 fps. Unless this will be a problem if the DVD-Rebuilder can not add the proper "FLAGS" for a progressive 23.976 back into the interlaced state.

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