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Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    [bold]You never did say how it worked out and to do an NTSC backup requires purchased software.[/bold]

    Actually sophocles, I did state how it turned out and I stated it did a very good job. I ripped with decrypter in file mode and used those with dvd2dvd-r. I used CCE Basic and DVDLab (which I have btw) using the guide which shows options to set for NTSC DVDs muxing with DVDLab. I also set auto burn with DVDLab. I just didn't care for the movie only option, but the quality was excellent, but that I preferred RB/CCE over dvd2dvd-r.

    If you'll remember it was you who had me try it out. Anyway, since when have we let "purchased software " be a problem? ;>)

    This was the guide I used.


  2. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    [bold]since when have we let "purchased software[/bold]

    How true!

    I wasn't recommending that jdobbs get rid of the full mode only that he might be able to add a movie only option as well. I believe that DVD2DVD-R works with ineterleaves and multi angles because it is a movie only soft which bypasses the inteleaves and multi angles difficultlies.

  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    We're getting silly, jdobbs isn't a "have it your way" soft developer. I kind of like things the way they are.
  4. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Sophocles...I would agree that RB is OK the way it is...at least for me anyway. There isn't much that can't be done with Remake/Remake Pro and Shrink to get the files ready for RB-CCE. It doesn't seem logical to have overlapping functions with RB at this point.
  5. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    No complaints here either, but if he wants to deal with multiple angles, who am I to say no? ;>)
  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    This just demonstrates how little I know about RB. I think that it's difficult for RB to keep the entire movie if its multi angled/interleaved because the applications that RB needs to work with can’t do them. That’s why I think that DVD2DVD-R swings to the other extreme and offers a movie only choice. Because a movie only backup bypasses multi angles and interleaves thus removing the problem or I don’t think that it would work with them either.

    Jdobbs be gentle, I stated how little I knew about RB.
  7. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    LOL, Since I know even less about RB than you, I acquiesce.

    (I can't build a car either, But I can D_ _n sure drive one,LOL)
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    [bold]I can't build a car either, But I can D_ _n sure drive one,LOL[/bold]

    Hmm! I don't drive a car, I terrorize the freeways with them. I just can't understand speed limits under 80MPH, so I know I don't want to drive it if I built it. LOL
  9. spamlover

    spamlover Member

    Sep 23, 2004
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    Hi guys. I need your help/suggestions. Here's the deal: I've copied three brand new DVD's (Hannibal, Red Dragon, Man on Fire) using the following method:

    1. Decrypted main movie only (no compression) using Shrink.

    2. Ran the movie files thru DVD-RB .62 and CCE 2.69

    3. Burned VIDEO_TS files via CloneDVD 2.

    All the burned discs have major audio and video skips simultaneously.

    Do you guys have any suggestions?

    Thanks, Marc
  10. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    At the top of the list are two things...

    First, you might have a media problem. I just burned two copies of the same movie on Ridata media using two discs next to each other on the spindle, and one was perfect, the other had major synch and freeze problems.

    Second, if you didn't have enough hard drive space to safely handle all three movies, you could have gotten into a fragged drive situation, and this can result in choppy burns.

    EDIT: Add on. A burner without updated firmware could also be responsible for burn problems.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2004
  11. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    That's a good point on the fragged drive doc, but doesn't it seem a lot of people are experiencing this result when using shrink 1st before going into RB/CCE, especially as opposed to DRM?
  12. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Well, I didn't want to be the first to say it, but yes. I had problems with Shrink from the get-go, and stopped using it. The thing is, I've also had intermittent problems with other transcoders...like IC8 and DVDCopy2 that others didn't seem to have, so I just figured it was bad luck. :)

    With Shrink, it would work sometimes, and not others...and rather than wait until the end of the process to find out, I just went to Remake. I would suggest to anyone using Shrink to always check the final video_ts before burning.
  13. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    I never had a problem using DVD Shrink as a ripper. However, defragmenting my hard drive is a norm in terms of system up-keep. Any hard drive that is badly fragmented will slow down data transfers. And on todays faster burners,someone is asking for problems.

    Oddly, DVD-Shrink at one time fixed a problem I had with DVDRemake. The test of time finds solutions to all.
  14. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Gnomex...thanks for stepping forward on this. It's good to know that Shrink has always been good to you, because I certainly like recommending it as an editor to people trying RB-CCE for the first time. Many have already used Shrink, and it supplies the familiarity they need to make the transition.

    Part of the benefit of a forum like this is that one gets to see certain trends develop, and I think Big-O may have spotted one...and did the right thing by bringing it up. I would also point out that Big-O played a significant role in the final stages of Shrink beta testing, and so I would think he would also be reluctant to jump to any wrong conclusions about Shrink.

    What this comes down to is what kind of advice to you give people that used Shrink and ended up with a bad burn? Do you tell them to try running an unedited Decrypter file through to see if it comes out OK ... because this seems to be the acid test of whether RB-CE is working properly? Or, do you just assume that "Shrink can do no wrong" and look for something else?

  15. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    While I have had a good experience with DVD Shrink. This statement does not mean the software does not have some undiscovered problems. Beta testing helps remove this limitation, but its never perfect. As an example consider 321 products and the list of software conflicts that were made after public release of there products.

    DVD Decryptor is the common acid test to check ones burns, due to its popularity. However, this benchmark test maybe unrealistic tomorrow as new anti-rip methods are developed.
  16. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    [bold]Do you tell them to try running an unedited Decrypter file through to see if it comes out OK ... because this seems to be the acid test of whether RB-CE is working properly[/bold]

    I think you've stated it exactly Doc, for all newcomers to the RB/CCE method of backup I would suggest using just that exactly and after success with that, then and only then branch out with other editing apps whether it be shrink or remake. You've got to learn to crawl before you can walk.

    [bold]DVD Decryptor is the common acid test to check ones burns, due to its popularity. However, this benchmark test maybe unrealistic tomorrow as new anti-rip methods are developed.[/bold]

    I wouldn't ever give up on DVD Decrypter, it has always been constantly updated, infact 4 times in as many weeks just recently.

    Not to mention the aggressive settings that has already been implemented such as:

    1. In DVD Decrypter, go to "Tools", "Settings", and then whatever you're using either the File Mode tab OR the ISO Read Mode tab and "tick" "Remove PUO's" - try either the IFO, BUP, PUO's OR the VOB PUO's

    2. In DVD Decrypter, go to "Tools", "Settings", General tab, on the bottom left it will say "Removal Method" choose "Aggressive".

    3. in DVD Decrypter, go to "Tools", "Settings" then choose the CSS tab, under CSS Cracking Method, mark the spot that says "Brute Force -> I/O Exchange".

    These "adjustments to DVD Decrypter should "Crack" just about anything out there today EXCEPT maybe the ARccOS copy protection, but if used in conjunction with AnyDVD's new copy protection due to unreadable errors one should be able to get around that also.

    Decrypter has always seemed to evolve as the changes warrant and I think it will continue to do so.

    Lately, even when using shrink I've had to use decrypter 1st becuase shrink has "encountered an error and cannot continue". I don't know whether this is due to new or tougher copy protection, but it seems to me that the shrink 3.1 ripped better than the current 3.2 altho in every other aspect the new version is far superior.

    As for me I think any editing that needs to be done will be used with DRM when using RB/CCE. ;>)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG][bold]GO VOLS![/bold].Dell Media4600,XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,1024MB,280HDw/8MB,17"flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated5.1 audio,HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn832S-DL[/small]
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2004
  17. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    You need to get the latest DVD-RB... I can't debug versions that are in the past! ;-)
  18. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    May DVD Decryptor continue to change and be the great application it is. DVD Decryptor is a must have for anyone ripping a movie for DVD-RB today. The best part is its free and the author is always updating it.

    With all the great tools out on the market to process movies. The movie companies should just give up fighting. LOL
  19. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    STUPID,STUPID,STUPID. I have done a very STUPID thing,LOL. I bought the entire James Bond Collection, a total of 20 Bond classics and started backing them up using RB version 62, not 62a. I had DL'd 62a but forgot to install it over 62.

    When I saw your post I suddenly remembered right in the middle of a batch process doing 3 of them and I've already done 3 for a grand STUPID total of 6.

    Here's my question, has everyone using v.62 experienced the audio/video skips or just a few? Are you sure you can't debug past versions? LOL

    [bold]Gnomex[/bold] I hear ya! lol ..;>)
  20. spamlover

    spamlover Member

    Sep 23, 2004
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    Hi guys. On the three movies that I burned using Shrink and then DVD-RB .62/ CCE Basic 2.69, they all played fine when I played them back in DVD Shrink. No audio skips whatsoever.

    Whenever I've burned an entire DVD using Decrypter and DVD-RB/CCE, i've had no problems at all.

    What does this suggest in terms of where the problem lies? Seems like DVD Shrink to me.

    I am going to defrag my hard drive, use DVD-RB .63a and burn thru IC8 or Nero (I usually use CloneDVD 2), as possible solutions. I'll update you guys. I'm glad these discs are not $10.00 a pop like DL DVD+R discs.

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