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Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    HKT3020...your virtual memory/page file is very important when rendering large video files, and it can also reduce the amount that files get fragged on your HDD...which can also lead to choppy video on your burn. Opinions vary, but I manage mine at a healthy 4000 MB min and max and don't have any related VM problems.
  2. HKT3020

    HKT3020 Regular member

    Sep 21, 2004
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    A shame that I missed that important piece of information, even though I've been reading alot of the guides thoroughly I suppose I must've overlooked that. I know this is slightly off topic but, what would be the optimum setting for a system with 1.5GB of ram?
  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It's really a matter of trial and errorn but I'd say Doc's Settings would be a good start. you'll notice that he set the minimum and maximum settings to the same.
  4. HKT3020

    HKT3020 Regular member

    Sep 21, 2004
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    Hey everyone, back here again but this time with a question. What is the difference between ripping a CD with Shrink and one with Decrypter? Everytime I rip a DVD using Shrink, I get an error with DVDRB during the encode process. While as only Decrypter will work, the reason I'm asking this is to eliminate the unnecessary extras on a DVD. Rather than specifying a average DVD size of say 5.5GB (in DVDRB) and then wiping out the extras using Remake.
  5. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Some have better luck than others using Shrink before going to RB-CCE. With me, I had errors about half the time, and gave up using Shrink as a ripper/editor. I now use Decrypter or SmartRipper with Remake Pro. IMO, Remake is the best way to remove unwanted items like warnings, trailers, etc.
  6. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    I agree with doc 100%, if you have remake, why use anything else, especially since RB will take out the audio, the only thing remake can't handle.
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Yes! I'm a Remake fan too, audio's not that big of a problem to remove. If you're having problems with RB/CCE and Shrink Rips, then stick with Decrypter. If it works then leave it alone.
  8. tranman

    tranman Guest

    Whenever dvd rebuilder (0.66a) is in the processing of encoding, i always get this error saying "cce encoding failed: internal error bad mv detected" and sum random numbers. I'm running cce sp retail. i've tried doing a clean install and i've checked all my settings and i;ve even tried ripping the dvd through decryptor and shrink. The files are unedited, i simply just rip the whole dvd to my hard drive and run dvd rebuilder, but the same error always pops up..i jes cant figure it out..

    i've followed the guide on afterdawn word for word as well as tried various different dvd movies but i still get the same error..what can i do???

    I'm running Windows XP with p4 2.4, sata150 80gb wd (ntfs and 40gb free), 256ddr ram.

    edit: i tried using the exact same setup on my dads computer (amd xp 1.5 ghz i think, 40GB IDE WD with 20gig free and running fat32, 256ddr ram, windows xp) and everything worked fine. i used dvd decryptor to rip the movie. i cant understand y it wouldnt work on my computer!

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2004
  9. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Last night I decided to play around with some of DVD-Rebuilders new capabilities. I went with Matrix and. This morning I went to see how things ran. DVD-RB finished it's task as normal. . However, I notice a small problem with the size of the output files.

    DVD-RB typically has a completed VIDEO_TS folder in the size range of 4.34 GB to 4.36GB respectfully. This mornings output was 4.38. I had the steal space option enabled (%33) and Half-D1. It looks like the new features dealing with angles needs a little tweaking.

    Versions used:

    - Versions:
    -- CCE Basic Version: v2.69.1.10
    -- DECODER Version: vUNKNOWN
    -- AVISYNTH Version: v2.5.4.0
    - DVD Rebuilder 0.67

    Has anyone else had this problem with this movie?
  10. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    tranman...it appears you can eliminate a software setup problem, since the sw is working on another computer. I've never had this error message, however, I would start with defragging the HDD, and setting the page file to 4000 MB min and max. I would then reinstall all the relevant software, and defrag again. I would also test another transcoder like Shrink to see what happens...and to make sure there isn't a hardware-related problem like a bad memory stick or mobo.
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Doc may have it with defragging your hard disk and I think you should check your hard disks DMA settings as well.


    I have noticed my files coming in at around 4.35 which is pushing it to edge but everything is otherwise OK.

    It's also worth noting that on another version of RB I seem to recall some difficulty with using steal from extras.
  12. tranman

    tranman Guest

    thanks guys,
    i tried what you said by setting the page file to 4000mb min max and even defragging (it said i didn't need a defrag and thats abt right since the harddrive is about a week old).. and about 5min into the encoding process of segment 0, the same error pops up.. so no luck with those options..

    a bad memory stick is pushin it isnt it? i wouldnt want to have to buy a new memory stick just to see if its the problem!
  13. tranman

    tranman Guest

    and ive used shrink a number of times before without a problem (this is shrink 3.2 btw)..

    and my sata drive is running at ultra dma 5
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2004
  14. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    tranman...There are freeware diagnostic routines you can run to check your memory...without having to buy new. Since Shrink works OK, and you say your DMA is OK, it is sounding more like a software install problem. You didn't indicated if you did a reinstall. If you did, and the problem persisted, I would try another DVD to see if I got the same error in the same place. I've gotten "strange" errors before, and they've never repeated on another DVD.
  15. tranman

    tranman Guest

    i haven't done a reinstall but guess what, i tried checking special error processing and now everything works fine. every dvd i tried backing up before had the same error msg but now when i use special error processing it seems to go away..
    im just abit paranoid, isn't this option just hiding the problem rather than fixing it?
  16. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    'Can't really say. But next time I run into a problem I will try your solution.
  17. owen1577

    owen1577 Guest

    I run like a sissy girl.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2004
  18. tranman

    tranman Guest

    actually special processing dusnt work!!
    this time i get to segement 10 (instead of segment 0 like before) and then the error pops up.. maaan..
    i dun get it..;;;
  19. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    I can only guess at this one, because it doesn't fit any previous pattern I'm aware of. I notice that you only have 256MB of RAM. This is very low, especially considering XP uses over 100 MB of that. If you have anything going in the background, that takes up even more. There's a fair number of people on this forum that couldn't even run Shrink with 256MB. I have a P2.6 w/512MB and I find myself on the short side at times with any transcoder. If your other computer uses the same kind of memory, you might try to temporarily increase RAM and see what happens.
  20. tranman

    tranman Guest

    ok problem solved.. i just couldnt think of anything else so i formatted my computer (pain in the ass) and now eveyrthing works, go figure...

    but thanks for the help, and yes i think i will need a ram upgrade anyhows..

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