Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. sox2k4

    sox2k4 Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    just bought CCE Basic last week....

    by far the best $58 i have ever spent on software. the results are amazing.
  2. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    There's a decided advantage in favor of encoding over transcoding and you've just experienced it.
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    What's the difference? ;)
  4. sox2k4

    sox2k4 Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    ya know i searched this forum and the web prior to delving into the CCE/Reebuilder arena asking the exact same question - what is the difference? many swear that there is no difference, but they are kidding themselves. EVEN when there isn't that much encoding to be done i could tell a difference. the quality is highly evident on my 30" widescreen tv. i will never ever transcode again.....

    although i will admit that the time factor is a bit of a barrier that you have to take into consideration, especially if you don't have a decent computer. you can see my specs below - it takes my computer about 3 1/2 to 4 hours doing 3 passes.
  5. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    It looks like another convert to the DVD-RB ranks.


    The time factor is steep (3-4 1/2 hours per movie) However, a lot of the users here let DVD-RB ~ CCE run when the PC is not in demand (overnight ~ at work). A few in the group use batch encoding to process several movies at once. This is if you have the HD space.
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Something sounds fishy. 3 passes with CCE Basic. The time for 3 passes sounds about right, but the app looks all wrong. 2 + 1, the extra pass equals about $1900 more. I would have invested in a newer PC. Could this be some more of those trials without watermarks?

    Except at higher compression, good transcoders such as DVDCopy3 deliver quality as good as RB/CCE. The comparative quality is excellent, at least as viewed on my 60 inch tv. It is at the higher compression levels that the CCE encoder does a better job than the transcoder apps. You'll find that many users of RB/CCE use transcoders for smaller tasks and reserve the RB/CCE for situations where they want quality under higher compression.
  7. sox2k4

    sox2k4 Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    well i am not one to argue with brobear, so i am just offering up what i have gone through recently.

    i paid $58 for CCE Basic (i can show you my receipt and you can contact Visible Light to verify) - don't ever question my ethics. my version, for whatever reason, offers under the CCE Options/ Advanced (Expert) Setting the choice of VBR_Passes of 1 thru 10. i can offer up a screenshot to anyone who questions that.

    i own DVDCopy 3 as well. its not bad, but its not the same IMHO.
  8. ozzy666

    ozzy666 Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    Last edited: Feb 25, 2005
  9. ozzy666

    ozzy666 Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    Question my freind, he questions!!,

    Only fear if you have no answer.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You confound me with your verbosity. For someone who feigns a slight problem with the language, you do quite a job. LOL

    As far as grand theft I only used it to point to theft greater than petty theft. Not to start a legal argument.

    If you notice in this country, there are legal suits going on where people who have illegally gotten files from the internet are being fined in court. They are getting into trouble as much for theft as breaking the copyright laws (and what are copyright laws if not anti-theft legislation). Friends from the UK have told me of similar circumstances there. I never meant for the subject to get so far off topic of the thread. We agree it is illegal, so we're just playing with words if we carry that dialogue further.

    Glad to hear you're an honest soul. But getting back to the 2.70 SP trial. It was made to function more like the actual program. But, it did have the watermark. So, it would take a programmer to hack the app to remove the marking function. There are people out there doing it all the time. I guess I should have just put emphasis on what pertains to this thread.
    I guess you ended up missing the point. They [bold]DO[/bold] hack these programs and as far as the use with RB, if the watermark is missing from the 2.70 SP trial, it may as well be full function. You should have been a bit less sure of that statement.

    I can also see why jdobbs would be reluctant to help someone who is using illegally gained software. As a developer it would probably boil down to matter of principle. I doubt he would appreciate anyone messing with his work.

    The "Works" version is a pirated program. So, if one uses it, they are involved in piracy. That goes for any trial where the mark or a time limit has been removed.

    So, in the end Ozzy, I guess you did miss the point. [bold]The apps can be hacked and as I stated, as far as RB is concerned, that gives the trial full function.[/bold]
  11. ozzy666

    ozzy666 Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    Yes it is way of topic.

  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It's not only off topic but it could also threaten the longevity of this thread, so please take it elsewhere.
  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    If you noticed, I got it back on track with RB and the 2.7 trial. As far as this thread, I thought they killed them off when they got this long anyway. ;)
  14. drmadcow

    drmadcow Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    I'm going to have to disagree with BroBear that a good Trancoder can be as good as an encoder (err CCE, some encoders are junk). Although in the case of DVD Rebuilder this maybe the case because of how DVD-RB processes VTS files based on their Cell Ids. When you get a DVD with 40 - 50+ CellIds for just the main picture DVD-RB will brutalize your encode. A good example of this is Barry Lyndon, which has a ridiculous amount of Cell Ids. Close to the beginning theres a scene where Barrys father dies in a duel. The entire Vob Id is maybe 400 frames long, and DVD-RB gave it an average bitrate of around 1700 (~ 2700 ave for movie). Generally this scene is very low action, but in the last few frames both men in the duel fire their guns. The smoke that comes out of the guns looks VERY grain / pixelated because of the low bitrate.

    However if you encode this movie as one long part in CCE and you let it have a broader bitrate distribution, things look completely different. Something I would love to see DVD -RB do is to encode each VTS as a section, then if it's required to have them in the smaller files that RB generatally creates, to have RB split the MPEG2 file up. For some movies you'de probly only notice 1 - 5% increase in quality, but I could easily see some being around 10% higher quality (ie 3 hour movies with action). But don't get me wrong as DVD-RB stands I think it's a great newbie tool for people wanting to start getting into encoding.

    And one last curiousity question, I saw Jdobbs doesn't support piracy, why then does DVD-RB support EccEcl, I didn't think it had a legitimite use.
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest


    jdobbs can answer the technical aspects pertaining to RB. After all, he wrote the app. As far as a legitimate use for eclCCE, that one is easy. Anyone wanting to check out the RB/CCE setup before buying CCE would need to use the SP trial. To run the SP trials prior to the 2.7, one had to use eclCCE. The watermark was still on the trial, so that was not an illegal use. The curious user checking out the setup gets to see the setup work and see the quality of the output. However the output is marked with the CCE logo.

    I've heard some unscrupulous people have used eclCCE with hacked versions of the SP trial without the watermark. That is just using a program to run an illegal one. That would be like saying RB is illegal because it can be used with hacked programs as well as the legally purchased ones.

    On the matter of disagreeing with me. Try the programs I use before making judgements. Use the DVDCopy3 from InterVideo to transcode a movie. As I mentioned, not for a big blockbuster. Go with a DVD about 6.5 to 7GB or do the movie only selection. You'll see the visual quality is very good. You can get the trial at http://www.intervideo.com . You don't have to purchase anything to do this little test. DVDCopy3 uses files ripped with the freeware DVD Decrypter, DVD43 (the latest version), or one can use the trial of AnyDVD from Slysoft http://www.slysoft.com .

    If you only pick a particular scene from Barry Lyndon to show RB has a minor flaw, that's really getting picky. I've done a lot of recordings with RB/CCE and haven't noticed any pixelation. I'm viewing on a 60 inch screen, so I usually spot flaws easily.

    So, I stand behind what I said, and most anyone testing the software can see I'm telling the truth. They don't have to take my word for it and they should question yours.

    About the only thing we tend to agree on is there is bad software out there. There is junk in both encoders and transcoders. However, the ones I mentioned using aren't junk.
  16. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Looks like we're wondering off again. drmadcow... the thread title is [bold]Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.[/bold] As a visiting expert, you may wish to address your questions to the author of RB. Are you having a problem or just here to inform us the software is bad?
  17. drmadcow

    drmadcow Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    On the contrary I like the software, but like most software with time it just needs some evolutions to reach a pinacle of perfection. And it's all about defining technical difficulties, some would call unoptimal quality as a difficulty :) I really appreciate jdobbs work. Although my only real difficult is that it doesn't work with my CCE 2.70 works :)
  18. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Must be a problem with the "Works". I ran a test with the 2.70 trial and it worked the way it was supposed to. Great picture and that big blue CCE logo was very crisp. ;) The only thing I had to do was adjust the Quality Prec to 24 before jdobbs incorporated the settings for the trial. Now it doesn't require that, it sets automatically now when the SP trial is selected. Before, one just loaded the 2.70 into the regular SP and set the QP. Without the need for the eclCCE, the 2.70 will work under either selection, SP or the SP trial.
  19. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Rebuilder is an evolving beta program. Suggestions for improvement should be directed to the author, jdobbs.
  20. ozzy666

    ozzy666 Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    Removed as stated.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2005

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