Hi can someone help me please i have a 250gig external hard drive with 180gig still free but when i go to put stuff on it from my pc it says there isn't enough room on the disc and to clean it i was trying to put a 52gig folder onto it so there's clearly enough room any help much appreciated Thankyou.
most likely not formatted to NTFS. copy all contents of external to computer first, then format the external to NTFS.
Hi thanks for your quick response i done as you said but have'nt transfered the files back yet so don't know if it has worked will let you know when i have. Also my internal hard drive stopped working so i got another is there a way to get my files from it even though it won't boot up cheers for your help. Best Regardfs. Phil.
The free "photorec" can recover almost all of the files from your drive as long as it's not physically damaged (if you dropped it, and it won't work anymore then that's probably not recoverable from any known methods). Photorec will recover data even from a severly corrupted hard drive. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/697001 If this is a boot drive you might want to do a chkdsk c: /f , that will fix any system file corruption and might get your drive to boot again. You can also try the free "testdisk" to try and fix it. http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
Hi just clicked your link and my hard drive is really clicking doe's that mean it's gone? or is there still a chance?
remote possibility it is still good. reseat both data & power cables for the drive. try another data cable.