no there isnt.There are three lights on the front of the hard drive but no usb icon in the lower right corner,Thanks
have you tried all the usb ports on the computer?? is there a yellow exclamation mark in the device manager??
I have tried botht the ports on the front of the Pc and NO I checked there are no yellow exclamation marks in the device manager. I am at a lost to what is wrong,I dont know how to take it out of the case or I would see if I could tell anything about it. Thanks again.
can you try it on another computer to see if it ids or not. how about the back of the computer usb ports. does the external hd use use external power as mine does?
yes it didnt have the power adapter with it,it called for a 12VDC and I had a 13 vdc that I used ,could that be the problem? Thanks.I will also try the back usb.
the only thing it says is 12 VDC on the back where the power adapter goes and the adapter I have says class 2 transformer input 120 vac.60 Hz ,17W,output 13 VCD 0.8 A. Thanks