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External Hdd problem...

Discussion in 'Receivers and amplifiers' started by kaihofan, Sep 13, 2010.

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  1. kaihofan

    kaihofan Member

    May 1, 2005
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    Hi Guys,

    I purchased a 120gb external hdd from ebay...basically it was a SATA drive in a case but asked the guy to format it to FAT32 which is what I need. I wanted to put all my music on the HDD and plug it into my Kenwood DNX5220BT car stereo (which obviously has a USB input and requires FAT32).

    I was in a rush and whacked on a bunch of albums from PC 1 and tested it in the car which worked fine. When I had a bit more time I put on my whole collection of music from PC 2... however, when I plugged it in again it showed the original files from PC1 and the rest of the new stuff was inaccessible and was in faded writing on the stereo display - it basically means it is on the hdd but wasn't accessible for some reason... when I put the whole collection from PC 2 onto the HDD, there was an error message which I didn't understand when I unplugged it... something about the files were unable to something or other... anyways... I thought I would start again and format the hdd using the DOS prompt and getting it to format to FAT32... however this doesn't seem to work and the files remained on there...

    SwissKnife didn't work for me either so I uninstalled it...

    I ended up deleting all files and then putting all the music from PC 2 again and now it plays SOME songs even though all the folders are faded and inaccessible... and the tracks are all scrambled e.g. it would say there are 2 tracks in a certain folder but it would be 2 parts of the same song...!

    I don't know what to do now...

    PLEASE Help???

  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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