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Final Fantasy XI Private Servers? **No Email Posting Or Will Be Banned**

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by OCDgamer, Jul 7, 2006.

  1. seong8737

    seong8737 Guest

    There are many private server of RYL and Ragnarok but I can't found any private server for WOW and FF XI...
  2. corn

    corn Guest

  3. masamunex

    masamunex Member

    Sep 21, 2007
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    There are FFXI private servers in the works, but they are NOT free.
    In order to play on the private server, you must have an active and working POL account.
    HOWEVER, these private servers are completely customizable, including drop rates, exp rates, gil rates, shop prices, stat increase per level, etc...
    I, myself, have a semi-working FFXI server by using the emulator built by the crew at projectxi.sourceforge.net
  4. MidnightJ

    MidnightJ Guest

    Private servers are quite illegal in most countries and probably shouldn't be talked about in these forums.
  5. leguna

    leguna Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    A site at this (http://www.xtremetop100.com/final-fantasy) top100 list claims to have a free FFXI server. It brings me to a german site which doesn't seem to host a FFXI server so it's mostlikely bull.
    Bah it sucks. I've got no problem paying for a game ONCE, but monthly fees suck.
  6. masamunex

    masamunex Member

    Sep 21, 2007
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    MidnightJ, you are correct. In 99% of the instances of private servers, they are illegal. This is due to the fact that most of them steal from the company by offering free play, free updates, and donation items so the independent group running the server can maintain it. In the case of the emulator that I'm using, this is quite different. With our emulator, we still use the POL viewer and the proper login proxies and such. This is what separates us from everyone else. The company still gets the money it deserves, therefore the servers are entirely legit. We have already spoken to a spokesman from SE, and I personally have spoken with a GM on the matter. They do not seek to bring up any legal action against the creators of the emulator or try to remove the emulator from the market.

    Even though the game will still require the monthly payments to SE for the game, we will offer many new and exciting things.
    We are working on city sieges, which are similar to what occurs in Aht Urghan with the beastment. Jeuno, for instance, will be attacked by goblins and gigas, and occasionally a few Behemoth's. Windurst will be attacked by Yagudo, various Windurst area beasts, and from time to time, Nidhogg. You get the point.
    Also, EXP rates, Gil rates, and so on will be custom. NPCs will also have custom shops, in which the server admin can customize to his/her wish, including prices of items, r/ex items only dropped by HNMs or obtainable through quests, and event specific items.

    We will also try to correct a few things that SE has dropped the ball on. We will be experimenting with mass PVP that will take Ballista to a whole new level!
    We will also experiment with allowing each person to have their level cap upped to 125, the same as the HNMs! This will throw a whole new swing on how HNMs are camped.

    We will strive to give you the best possible entertainment we can offer, as well as the best GM support ANY private server will ever be able to possibly comprehend.
  7. RazaelX3

    RazaelX3 Guest

    Hi about your private server masamunex, can you give me a link to the website if you are still running?

    Also can you keep me updated on whats happening at my Hotmail :edited by ddp
    Thanks, I would love to go on this server as I hated the proper servers because of how slow the leveling was, I never got past level 35... lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2008
  8. Xentrox

    Xentrox Guest

    Very interested in this FF Private server, if you need any in-game moderators i have a few years experience working on ragnarok servers and Text based games. Send me a link to your site for that free server.
  9. ropeadonk

    ropeadonk Guest

  10. wtfpewped

    wtfpewped Member

    May 30, 2008
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    hello, does your emulator still work/up and running? i'd be happy to pay monthly to play on a faster moving(experience wise) server. can i please have a link? send it to edited by ddp
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  11. Akashimo

    Akashimo Member

    Jul 5, 2008
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    is the emulator still going on?
    message me at edited by ddp
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    no email posting allowed as per forum rules, posts & title edited.

    Weirdo007, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. yours is 4 lines of text.
    4. If you want to use both text and image in your signature the image should not be more than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, and you can use up to three lines of text.
  13. Daraku

    Daraku Guest

    I dont know if anyone is checking this day to day i was wondering is there a way to bypass and rewrite the codes to change the drop rate and exp rate without having to deal with the emulator or cheats/hacks/dupes
  14. Quesela

    Quesela Member

    May 31, 2007
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    I mean no insult to MasamuneX, but be very careful about this whole "Emulated server" requiring a real POL log in... There's ALOT of FFXI characters being stolen recently, including a number of my friends. Use every care when using your POL account.
  15. Daraku

    Daraku Guest

    Hence why i was asking if there was a way if you can overwrite the system (increase drop rate/exp rate) like they do in WoW when they create the private servers.
  16. BoxyBrown

    BoxyBrown Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    So what's the final word on this private server? Can you connect to FFXI private servers or is that just a dream?
  17. Daraku

    Daraku Guest

    Yeah basically a dream
  18. olivemoil

    olivemoil Guest

    scams/spam removed
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2008
  19. masamunex

    masamunex Member

    Sep 21, 2007
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    Sorry about the long wait on information. I've been horribly busy.
    With ProjectXI's emulator, the server never receives the POL ID/password information. You log in a second time with a username/password created by you in the PXI.exe client. This allows for your own security and the security of the servers.
    At this time, the combat data is being interpreted and coded so combat will work fluidly. Abilities/spells are also in the works.

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