Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by ryno247, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. E-Era

    E-Era Guest

    "xbins" you can get anything from X3bios to dashboards what ever you like "DO IT" and dont write back na just playin...Era
  2. adsfbike

    adsfbike Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    hey i have a quick question. i have a version 1.0 xbox. it has a xecuter 3 chip soldered in place by modchipsource.com everything seems to be working but when it come time to flashing it im having trouble. first i tried the http way, but the page wont open so if theres a new site that would be good to know about, secondly i tried to flash via cd/dvd but couldnt do it, i found out that i needed a dummy file but it still didnt work so i was wandering if i needed a .bin file reader to properly flash my chip and then thirdly ive always heard i need to make iso of the bios so im a little bit stuck now so any help would be very appreciated thxs.

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