Its true that lobster is chewy, King Crab and other crab are nice and soft, better quality i suppose... Good! We need a little danger with polutants sometimes...Maybe start thinking about greenhouse gases!Thats a little more important then seafood I think...
green house gasses are more important than seafood ...but in the current context mercury is more important as it relates to the food that AD members are eating. Mercury cant be expelled either it just builds up in the body.
Those heavy metals are nasty. Anybody ever see the older movie called Prophecy? It dealt with ethyl mercury contaminating the environment. It had the giant mutated bears chasing and killing everybody in it. A very scary movie and a classic.
Why are French fries called such? What EXACTLY is French about them? You don't fry them, you cook them in oil, in a big pan. Avoiding putting your hand in whilst they are cooking, BTW. Puzzled Pulsar
AAHHHHH! To quote those immortal words, "teach & learn" Many thanks, An enlightened Pulsar. PS, typical that they would get the name of American fries. Why do the Americans have to bastardise EVERYTHING?
It's a shame that the US administration are incapable of listening to or respecting other countries opinions. That is the sign of narrow mindedness & arrogance. I'm a brit I love to tear our political system & the fat cats to pieces. Not sure if this a good topic to talk about! Pulsar
It is a true shame, the Americans are great, friendly people, you have so much to offer the world, but your administration seems to screw it up every time. Clinton built many bridges in his term, Bush seems to have taken a few steps back. it is a great shame. Our government is jacking a lot of its' populus off by taking away our liberties, all in the name of "security". Our grandparents fought in 2 world wars to bring democracy to its' people. Both our administations seem to be hell bent on pulling in the reins. They have adopted this "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" rhetoric. I may have nothing to hide, but I have nothing to show either. Our liberties are been taken away, you can be held without trial, or legal representation or even know what you are being charged with. That is not a democracy. It is a police state. In a civilised society you are innocent 'til proven guilty. The moment you depart from this ethos, you are going down the road to Hell & are creating a false climate of fear & paranoia. If you stick up for your rights, it is assumed that you are guilty or are hiding something. That it how they got away with burning so called witches in the UK in the 1640s. It would seem that America is heading back towards the McCarthy witch hunts era of the 50s. We are going the same way. If a Government can create this fear, it leads the way for the curtailing liberties & if you object...well. Pulsar
I used to live in Unalaska where that fishing show takes place, and I tell you what, every buffet the hotel there has will always have king crab. The whole island smells of old fish though. You get used to it after 2 months or so.