If you're still using the HP media, try another brand. Also download DVDInfoPro (free version) and install that. Run the quality tests on the burned disk. That would be the PiPo icon and the inspection/CRC error icon to the left of the PiPo. One with magnifying glass. http://www.dvd-recordable.org/wwwimgs/media/flash/dvdinfopro/dvdinfoadvertzip.htm
ok laddy I loaded the dvd infopro and I tried the latest disc that I burned. After several hours of analying it,it would only complete about 75% of the disc. I wrote down the info that it had when I gave up. bad sectors-75 Media Id-Princo8x02 %bad/suspect-0.1854% Thanks p.s It had several red spots showing on the chart
Princo media is at the bottom of the stack quality-wise. You need to find some Verbatim. It's on sale this week at Best Buy if you're in the U.S. For anything other than Verbatim, the key is to look for Made in Japan on the label.
-(laddyboy)Just to add to this, how would you determine if your burner "has had its better days" ? Are there any certain steps that you would suggest before throwing in the towel? -(picman)Could it possibly be the video that you've either d/led or ripped? If you d/led it could be the conversion if it was required...
Ok Laddy I will try and see if I can find the japenese kind somewhere. So do You think it is the media and not the burner? Yes I live in the South, where it is hot! lol Hafar- No I do not think so, this has been doing it on several different origanals. Hey good question to laddy though, it would be nice to know steps before we run out and buy another burner. thanks guys
@picman Verbatim is not Made in Japan. It's the only quality media that usually isn't. Sony and especially Fuji use manufacturers other than those in Japan. It is almost always the case that Sony and Fuji media labeled made in Japan is produced by Taiyo Yuden. TY is at the top of the charts. I don't know that changing media will cure all ills until we see what happens. @hafar Usually burning becomes very erratic with failures using excellent quality media. Also when the drive no longer recognizes media. Since there's both a reading and writing function, sometimes one function gives up the ghost before the other. I had a Lite-On that made ratcheting and whining sounds prior to dying. When you switched media, rebuilt your OS from scratch, reinstalled all the user software and a drive no longer works, impending death is a pretty good diagnosis. The final test for me is to install the drive in another system. If it doesn't work there, "it's dead, Jim".
@picman. That would be a good SOP (Standard of Operation) well informed, and always on target here @ AD. I'll take all your advice, and see what kind of outcome I can achieve. thanks again.
Ok to conclude this thread I will update all on what I wound up having to do. Yesterday while I was on a trip to the city,I purchased another burner. I have burned 3 movies and have had no problems whatsoever. I have used both the -r's and +r's,which I was never able to do with the old burner. This new burner is a cheaper one,but it works faster,and more versatile. What did I learn from all of this expreience? 1. I have much to learn about this hobby 2.There are some smart people here on this website 3.More money does not necessarily mean you buy a better product. 4. I need to lay off the Tai made media and get some from the Islands of the Rising Sun(Japan).5.This is a good website to seek help,and I want to thank all of you guys for your help, particulary Dolphin, Laddyboy. So seeing I have much to learn look for me in the future to ask more questions! Thanks again.
I believe I read in the post you bought your old burner a few years ago. If so then today's cheaper burner is probably not cheaper quality.....they have just become cheaper to produce and thus cheaper for us to buy. I bought a burner 6 months ago for $75, and now people are buying $35 burners with better results than mine.