I recently softmodded my xbox to see how I like it before I mod my own xbox with a chip, and I have no problem connecting to the xbox, but i have a game on my computer Battlefied 2 that I'm wanting to just FTP to it, how do i do that? Also, I want to put Dvd2xbox on my xbox but i can't find the apps folder on there at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm using the Evox dashboard for softmodding by the way. And i'm not sure if this post is in the right spot or not.
Sorry, I changed my dashboard back to UnleashX it has the option to copy games to the harddrive already on it, But I still need help about getting the game on there, The game is in a bunch of .rar files, and they all have the same .iso, how do i put it on the xbox, and if its easier for people to help, i'm willing to change back to Evo, but i will then need to know how to get dvd2xbox on there.
u need an ftp client i prefer ace heres the link: http://www.download.com/AceFTP-Pro/3000-2160_4-10504475.html
I already have an FTP client, I'm using FlashFXP and I've been told to put the dvd2xbox in the apps folder, but There is no apps folder on there for me to put it in.
Mistyped that, I tried creating the apps folder, and whenever i go to the APPLICATIONS folder on the main menu on the xbox it doesn't link with the folder. And the game that i have on my computer, my brother put it on here, is an .iso, how would i go about getting it to run on the xbox, in that tutorial it talks about .xbe files and whatnot
Download AID 3.0, burn it to a disc and have it install everything for you. Alternatively, you can just use your FTP client to create the apps folder on the E partition. It'll end up being e:/apps/dvd2xbox or something similar by the time you're done. To get Battlefield 2 on your Xbox hard drive, extract the split rar archive using WinRAR. If you want to use an FTP client to do it, use Quix to extract the xiso into a folder, and then transfer that folder to e:/games on your Xbox. Or, just have Quix connect to your Xbox and transfer it to the e:/games folder. If you use the Avalaunch dashboard, you can use the boost mode in Quix for faster transfer rates. Keep in mind that Avalaunch can just be launched as an application and doesn't need to be your default dash.
I made an E:/Apps, and but dvd2xbox in it, rebooted, but if i go to Applications on the xbox in the main menu, dvd2xbox doesn't show up, have i done something wrong?
Apparently i have the source for dvd2xbox, and i'm having a hard time finding the download, does anyone have a link for it?
The Good news is i got battlefield 2 to load and play, however i still can't get Dvd2xbox to load up in the Applications menu, any ideas?
do u remember how u got battlefield if so u may have to restart the whole thing nd try it again very time consuming