crowy as a Member you should know better then to post a pix like that,man your sick. i would not bury ye in the newbie cemetery,i want the other mods to see how sick ye are..posting that on a public forum.....
crowy i have 1000's pixs of all type of what ye posted and i sure as hell would not post them on a public forum where little children can view them. my grand-children are here and thak god they were not looking over my shoulder..this morning as thay do some times.
that girl is covered,yours with that jerk playing with..on the toilet wasn't.. this is a warning next pix like that your history.
Whats been going on here ??? You put a pic of a man masturbating on the toilet!!! :| man thats just wrong...its not funny at all,its just plain obvious not to put offensive content on public forums and i know its offensive from Irelands reaction..i havent seem Ireland fired up since Smurface "i would not bury ye in the newbie cemetery,i want the other mods to see how sick ye are..posting that on a public forum....." LOL well tell me what the pic was ???
I'll PM you with the link he sent me. Not to be posted in forums but some of the gifs were pretty funny!
crowy, pull a stunt like that again & you are history. i banned a senior for stupidity so it ain't nothing to do that to a member!!!