Right. I just got my brothers old GC and bunch of games like Metroid prime 1&2 and Zelda Wind Waker. I have a 32" HDready LCD TV and this LG DVB-T Model: RHT297H (recording dvd ect. Wich can show DVD's up to 1080i resolution). I was searching for component video cable for GC and found out that they are very very expensive. Something like 80usd. So the only option was to buy something else. Namely an scart-RGB cable (I don't have it yet). Then I thought. What if I hook my gamecube to my dvd-player... So I took the cable (composite, red, white and yellow) and hook it in the front panel (for cameras). I selected AV3 and saw the game video (Wind Waker). Then I pressed the "res" button on the player to 720p and vĂ³ila. The screen blinked and it was in progressive mode. I tried Metroid Prime too but the controls had a small lag in 720p mode (it was fine in lower progressive mode). I will buy the RGB cables soon for GC, Xbox and PS2 since I have all three and test it further. I just like to know has anyone here tried this already and did you succeed?
The DVD player is "upscaling", so you are not really getting anything extra. In fact, your output may look crappier with fine detail since the upscale process is interpolating what pixels would be there in the greater resolution. IMHO, you are not gaining anything and spending money on this is a waste. The maximum resolution of the game/console is what it is.