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Games backups on F: drive dont work

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by stevek16, May 31, 2004.

  1. stevek16

    stevek16 Guest

    I just reicently bought a 160 gb hdd for my xbox. I have a really crappy dvd drive that only reads my games like 1 in 40 times :).( version 1.0, go figure) So I have all my games copied onto my new harddrive in drive f:. and I have some other things like xbmp. All of the homebrew programs work but all my backup games dont. Anyone know why they dont work?
  2. iggi

    iggi Member

    Oct 18, 2003
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    what folder you putting them into?
    I have put games onto my harddrive and they work fine.Mine are in



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