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Gearhead Thread

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by catfreak, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    its this one, but minus the Q, i have the noisey one.
  2. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    neph, so tell me what you did on that truck with the hot dip stick !!
    (also playing with my sig !)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2005
  3. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Your gun's a dead ringer for mine except for the color. Does yours have the titanium housing like mine? It's the lightest gun I tried as well as being a little powerhouse - it blows off lugs that the shop guns can't even touch :D

    Now for the horror story. Guy comes in with 2000 something Chevy Tahoe and he's the worst accessory whore I've seen yet. Inside the truck every little knob, button and gauge were switched out for some catalog junk but even that wasn't enough for him so he added a cluster to the pillar so he could keep track of all the neat stuff his fancy schmancy aftermarket supercharger was doing. He had a stupid lift kit, chromed out suspension and huge 35/12.50 mudders on the thing (probably needed the supercharger just to turn all that crap). And then he had all that chromey shit under the hood like I mentioned before. Well............

    I popped the hood, grabbed the dipstick and burned the crap out of my fingers so I'm already cussing the guy. I proceed to lift the retardmobile, drain the oil then let it back down. Then we had some sort of emergency job that had to be done so I do it then come back to the Tardhoe and the friggin thing wouldn't start plus some other guys had shoved it way forward in the bay to get a Isuzu NPR out of the shop. Apparently I'd left the ignition in the 'on' postition and in fifteen minutes all those backlit gauges and accessories had drained his crappy battery down. Being flustered from the emergency job I run over and grab the jump box and start it so I can move the stupid thing. After about 30 seconds of idling I think to myself "F*CK! No oil!"

    So there's my story. I shaved a few thousand miles off the guy's truck.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2005
  4. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    @ neph, the gun i posted the pic of is the exact gun i have, but the noisey one. thats a strong mofo, let me tell you. can bust a crank bolt off hondas in no time flat (taking off crank bolt for timing belt replacement)
    now there's something you don't hear everyday.

    i also call em Taco
    being that i don't change oil much, i can't say i have ever done that, but i have forgotten to fill up a manual tranny back up with ATF and customer took it, put like 80 miles on it, but no harm done, being that they are hypoid gears.

    Neph, you guys have an open shop (where customers can go outside and watch) or is it a no customer allowed area? how many bays? techs?

  5. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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     So Neph .. You'd love my Viper. (It's a good thing I only drive it about 500 miles a year, and it's a Mobil 1 car as well as every car I own) It has an aftermarket dealer installed supercharger .. The way it gets it's oil is from the oil pressure sending unit port and the oil return is a solid line that goes to the center of a special oil drain plug. This line is a SOLID line that takes about 20 minutes to remove and 20-30 minutes to reinstall. It HAS to be completely removed to dtain the oil. It is also next to impossible to change the oil filter over a pit .. The car needs to be jacked up with a floor jack, have the front wheels turned just right, and have someone with an abnormally long arm with two elbows do the oil filter (and it dumps oil all over the floor). A lift is ok as long as it isn't a center lift, it's too friggin' low to clear ... BTW, Chrysler says that with the chip I have and the supercharger, I have about 1100HP .. It'll give you a headache
  6. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    so just how much does that LOF cost you then catfreak?
    just a plain mobil 1 synthetic at my shop starts at 69.99 and goes up from there.
    here is an FYI, did you know a front brake job on a Ferrari F1 (i think) runs about $10k ???
  7. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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     I really don't know what a LOF wpuld cost .. I've done the last 3 changes on it and before that the dealer did it as part of the supercharger upgrade package .. It only gets changed once a year 'cuz I don't drive it .. It's stored at my son's house 2500 miles away
  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Lucky son ;)
  9. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    i have a 90 acura legend in here, has 298,000 miles on it, and the muffler is blown out. it has been this way for some time now according to the customer, well, it has melted the rear bumper completely, tail lights, the license plate is hanging by speaker wire, all the wires under the rear of the car are melted, and the customer says its too expensive to put a new muffler on. his repair is less then 200 bucks from the cat back.... go figure.
  10. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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     Some people outta just take the bus ...
  11. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    you seen bus passes now a days? cost of gas made public transportation go up as well.

    back on topic......... here's another one, i am sure neph can appreciate..

    old lady drives in today, 02 ford escort, making a loud noise while running. right away, i knew it was rod knock. checked the oil level, nothing on the dipstick, 42,325 miles on the ticker... last oil change was due over 20k miles ago. i told the lady she needed an engine, i thought she was gonna pass out on me there for a second. i yanked the valve cover, there must have been 2 inches of caked up oil/sludge built up on the bottom of the cover, not to mention all over the rocker arms and top of the cylinder head. needless to say, she has no money.... her reply, and i quote "your supposed to change the oil often?"

    what a moron.....
    she left with the engine knocking, and $78 bucks shorter.
    people sometimes are just oblivious to their cars... but, it keeps me in business..
  12. evilh0ly

    evilh0ly Regular member

    Jun 23, 2005
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    omg my first care 98 ford escort bought it when it's 50k and all these time i took good care of it, guess what the axel failed when it reaches 99k and i paid like $900 to fix it. about a month later 101k the transmission failed, so i just junked. also normally when i drove in the car when i brake this thing start trembling it was a terrible experience with ford.

    i swear i'm not buying a ford anymore.
  13. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Speaking of sludge, a couple months back we had a guy bring in an '03 Volvo S60 and the guy had put like 140k on it in two years which is no big deal - if you change the oil. He didn't and the whole engine was gummed up just like you described. The real kicker is the idiot obviously spent alot of time and money on the interior and exterior of the car because they were both absolutely spotless. Go figure.

    Then last week we had some bonehead (had to be some stinky wannabe hippy) bring in an '03 VW Beetle Turbo - not a cheap car! Well, I look inside the thing and every, and I mean every, part of the interior was covered in some sort of beverage residue, filth and dog hair. There was trash and junk filling up the entire floor of the car and there was about an 1/8" layer of dust all over the dash. I can't for the life of me understand how someone could let a car get to that point. I'd have been too embarassed to even bring the car into a shop!
  14. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    my personal fav is when they bring in the car and the stereo is on full blast....... or they have some gay ass shit playing on the radio. or the rims and tires are worth more then the car itself !
    you get to see some interesting [bold]stuff[/bold] in people's cars.
    let alone the trunks and glove boxes..... not that i snoop, but sometimes you have to open the glove box to look for insurance cards, wheel lock keys, receipts from previos repairs.........
    sometimes you have to put on a rubber glove to look around !
  15. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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     My everyday driver is a 98 Escort with an auto trans. I change the oil (with Mo1 5w-30) every 3k miles and change the tranny fluid (drain and fill only) again with Mo1, also every 3k miles. I've gone through this routine with every Ford I've owned and I EASILY get 300k+ miles out of the engine and trans. The car before this one (a T-bird) lasted me 375k before I wrecked it.

     It's all in the maintenance
  16. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    got me a 96 Mustang GT 5 speed, has 171k miles on her, still tickin........ and if you pull the valve cover, the heads are as clean as they were when it rolled off the truck at the dealer. no major problems with mine, usual maintenance.
  17. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    No kidding. Last month a guy drops off his Chevy truck for a rotate so my buddy opens the glove box to find the lug lock and lo and behold a whole stack of pics fall out. They just so happen to be a bunch of home beaver shots of some twenty something girl who was very nicely appointed! I wanted to take the pics and see if the guy had the balls to come back and ask for them :) Funny thing was, the best pic of them all was rather worn :p
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i wonder why!!?? no splash marks??
  19. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    @ Neph..... just exactly what shop/chain do you work for... (pm me if you dont want any others to know)
    i am just curious.
  20. evilh0ly

    evilh0ly Regular member

    Jun 23, 2005
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    wow catfreak
    watch out my escort die when it hits 103k something like that just watch out for the transmission.

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