getting soft mod to work with halo 2

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by spartini, Jun 23, 2005.

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  1. KyleJ

    KyleJ Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    16 extremly good site 4 noobs
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2005
  2. Cypha

    Cypha Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Ok, this is the like newbest guide i found to hacking the xbox, but, before i do it, i mean i have gotten to the point where i just install the softmod, is there a way where i can turn off the mods when i go online, and turn them on when i log into a different acct??
    I have 2 accts on XBL rellik cypha and oci rellikcypha and i want to ONLY use mods when i log into oci rellikcypha
  3. Cypha

    Cypha Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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  4. bigb516

    bigb516 Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    Ya umm jonbtrini i have Action Replay and 007 somebody told me that all i need is the modded maps where could i access those maps
  5. QDOG

    QDOG Guest

    Hey i made this thread so im just telling everybody. Anyway. Do not modd. I got all the mods and action replay and all that and it killed me xbox. I was not banned but it wouldent let me on live. Also it siad it could not acces the halo 2 cd. The mods were screwed. So my xbox is messed up and i cannot fix it. Do not mod. You will be so sorry.
  6. QDOG

    QDOG Guest

    If you want to know excately how it messes up your xbox here it goes. It changes yur IPA adress . That is the thing that talks to other things. So you need that for xbox live. It is built into the xbox but when you copy the mod the the hardrive it changes adress. So you cannot system link or go on live. Also i managed to change myn back so i can now go on live but it is really hard. You have to call the xbox makeing company and ask them how. Do not mod. You will get banned also it screwes up your xbox so you can not get on live period.
  7. miqa

    miqa Guest

    you are just too fusking stupid, lol.
  8. guinnyss

    guinnyss Guest

  9. QDOG

    QDOG Guest

    Fine u say that but i would be laughing so hard when your xbox crahses. Xboxlive said on their xbox. If they see the moddified conetent on your xbox imeately they shut it down.
  10. dampit07

    dampit07 Guest

    Ok, everyone, go to this website for help with modding and modding information. This website also has everything you will need to mod your xbox, also it is mostly for help with modding with halo 2. So this website might be a big help to some of you. Most of the people there are modders including myself. I also know that all of the Administrators (myself being one of them) are also all modders. The website is . When you go here register in both the forums and the home page. If you dont you will not be able to get all of the modding tools and help that you need because we have them seperated so that people have to get them from both. Thank you all. We are hoping to see you there soon. Bye Bye

    P.S. Also one of our brothering sites is This also might be of some intrest to you.
  11. miqa

    miqa Guest

    i don't mod, dumbshit, that's why i wont get banned.
    retard, douh!
  12. dampit07

    dampit07 Guest

    What the fusk, it wasnt for you, it was for the people that want to mod and want to be smart and boycot you ass. So take your head out of your ass and fuckin look at the world around you.
  13. guinnyss

    guinnyss Guest

    Damn Miqa...
    But not all moddin' are cheap, i like things like making the warthog fly, or super jump etc. Shit like that is cool but as extra shield, one shot kill, 360 aim all that shit IS and i must say IS for sorry loosers who probly got pick on in middle grade to high school lol but overall moddin' is really creative :)

    and i don't use mods, im one of the few elite originals out there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2005
  14. miqa

    miqa Guest

    dampit, you stupid fusk, learn to read, you wasn't even meant, god damn...
  15. dampit07

    dampit07 Guest

    oh, ok, sorry miqa, i thought you where talking to me, sorry, i didnt look back in the forums, i thought you where yelling at me. sorry about that everyone. well anyway that is still a very good website to go to for modding.
  16. miqa

    miqa Guest

  17. sturly09

    sturly09 Regular member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    anyone here who mods i would like to challenge to play me on sturlydizzle019 or sturlydizzle19 (im not sure which one it is lol) because i am getting bored of playing noobs who suck at modding so if you have good mods come take on a lvl 49 modder who isnt and wont ever be banned... please lol
  18. dampit07

    dampit07 Guest

    sturly09, i dont know when you will be on but i will go up against you anytime. just post a post of when you will be on and i will add you or you can add me. i have 3 gamertags and i am on almost all of them at some point in a day. so just drop me a line and we will have a modding contest.
  19. nehmanato

    nehmanato Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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  20. sturly09

    sturly09 Regular member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    ohk dampit ill probably be on tonight but we gonna be freinds no matter who looses ight, no hard fellins towards each other
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