Thats unfair BluRay, using up account names so no one else can... The whole point is to share, even sammoris doesn't need that many! Nice spec's Sam, lovely case too, why not give us a full piccie in the "Where are you sat?" thread sticked in the safety vavle??
Yeah I would, but we don't have a great camera at the moment, and none of the pictures I've taken have really served it justice. The case mods are pretty slight as mods go, a UV tube to illuminate two S-ATA cables, and a red LED 80mm fan at the top. So grab the best picture of an NZXT Lexa in operation, then imagine those mods, with a big zalman CPU cooler and red X1900 GPU and you have my machine LOL. However I'll post the shots I have in that forum anyways.
I have 14 Gmail invites to anyone who would like/needs one. Just pm me and Ill mail you one. *thanks billybob for my invite
Do u still need invites to get an account? I didnt think you did but if u do i have hundreds, so pm if u want.
Yes, you do still need invites. So many invites about though, you don't really need a normal membership option.
@peainapod No problem. @Sammorris, i dont know, maybe they only give 100 to the early sigups? Im so sad, im on holiday and i cant keep away from aD lmao. Oh dear