Probably. 89 invites left. Doesnt it make all the difference when someone pms you with a thank you for their invite? Instead of just getting what they wanted and F***ing off.
Yeah, or emailing you with their new account, I've had that a few times. I always send a welcome message of my own when people accept though.
Yeh boy listen to rav! Hee hee. I gots 90 invites, pm me if u want one. How goes it rav? Nice sig, they get better and better. I like blade, hes brilliant. When i grow up, for an occupation, ive narrowed it down to being a vampire slayer like blade, a jedi master, or a caterpillar. Still deciding. yeh, 90 invites.
Hey Billy We can thank ireland for the siggy, its been a very long time since I saw that movie, but I don't mind @ all 10 invites here, probably the most inviting invites I've ever seen...
Ireland's signiatures seem to be pretty good! However, that would be off-topic, and Ireland's also a moderator. 260 Gmail invites up for grabs.
Do you mean this thread? I was talking about moderators in general. To discover that we went off topic about him somewhere probably wouldn't please him very much.
No. Ireland is a moderator at the DVDXcopy forums hence why it says DVDXcopy Chief Moderator in his name. And no it wouldn't please anybody that went off-topic. Anyways if anybody needs a Gamil invite PM me.
Lol Gamil. Let's just hope Gamil isn't a torrent site!!! Wow, I could have sworn he was also a mod here. Just goes to show!
really? I thought he was a mod here, and that his title meant he was an expert at dvd x copy or something! Learn something new every day. Doesnt mean im not scared of yo Ireland