Guide - DVD & Video 2 iPod (new)

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by Lethal_B, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. buknekkid

    buknekkid Member

    Jun 7, 2005
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    Hey, It might have been answered alrighty but my time is limited and i couldnt find it. I used your guide lethal and i wanna say thanx, but i was wondering if there was an easy way to get a season disc (family guy - with 7 episodes on the one disc) to decrypt all the episodes into different files at one time. The only way I've been able to figure it out is doing every episode one at a time. Anyway thanks in advance for your help.
  2. david_v91

    david_v91 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    fraankie, try reinstalling pq dvd
  3. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    buknekkid - sorry buddy, I am not an expert with dvd decrypter. I just know what I need to know for iPod conversion. Unless someone with an expert knowledge of Decrypter decides to pop in, I think you are stuck. Sorry :-(
  4. Fraankie

    Fraankie Guest

    Hey Lethal,

    How come you're not responding to my question?

  5. ponchoman

    ponchoman Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    So heres my problem. Ive used 3GP converter, and i have also used Videora ipod converter and i have gotten the same problem. First I decrypted the dvd onto my desktop. Then i tried using 3gp and videora. The first time, they would both take an exceedingly long amount of time to finish which i had expected, but then it would get to a hundred.... and keep going. Both ti would give me negetive expectid finishing time. So I re ripped the dvd using shrink this time, which actually produced a much nicer rip than the other program i was using but this time 3gp and videora both finished very quickly. The bars went to a hundred percent and then stopped and have been going for hours. Today i let it go for like 4 and a half hours and its frozen at 97 percent(1st pass) with 0:00 time left till completeion. Now all i ahve left is the icon on the bottom and its not opening up. Some one please help ive run out of ideas.
  6. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Frank - because david_v91 made a suggestion, did you try it?

    -has your PQDVD always been this slow, or is it a sudden thing?
  7. DarkJello

    DarkJello Regular member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    If it isn't opening I'd suggest Ctrl+alt+delete and endtask it. There is a seconds counter on videora that will tell you how many seconds of the movie it has converted. One hour is 3600 seconds so you can figure out how many seconds are in your movie yourself. Problems with the status bar seem to be fairly common and thats the only fix I know of. And yea, videora takes a while.

    buknekkid, DVD Decrypter is fairly fast at putting DVD's onto the hardrive I find the conversion is what takes a long time, and you can queue jobs for Videora to convert.
  8. Fraankie

    Fraankie Guest


    I tried the suggestion and no luck. I am trying to install it on my laptop now...Thinking it would be faster there...however, I can not get the serial number to register. Every time I try it it says "Cannot Activate, check internet connection, or try again later, or click offline activation." If I try offline activation that doesn't work...I get this error message. What's wrong? I've used it before? Open to any and all suggestions.

  9. buknekkid

    buknekkid Member

    Jun 7, 2005
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    Okay thanks anyway!
  10. Fraankie

    Fraankie Guest


    I tried the suggestion and no luck. I am trying to install it on my laptop now...Thinking it would be faster there...however, I can not get the serial number to register. Every time I try it it says "Cannot Activate, check internet connection, or try again later, or click offline activation." If I try offline activation that doesn't work...I get this error message. What's wrong? I've used it before? Open to any and all suggestions.


    I'm really stuck in a pickle here...if anyone could help me out...I'd really appreciate it.

  11. Jayxiii

    Jayxiii Guest

    hey lethal...can you respond to my question pls....
    thanks man
    or pm me =)
  12. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Fraankie- don't really know what so suggest. I have exercised all of the possibilities to the best of my knowledge. But remember, I know about the operation of the programs, but When it comes to issues like it 'it's slow on one PC & not on another', I don't really know what else to say.

    david_v91- Try adjusting so all of your videos are at 29.97 fps (Frames per second). If that doesn't work, or you are already encoding at that framerate, please post back.

    Jayxiii- I'll get a PM back to you later when I do my daily mailbox sweep :)
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2006
  13. Fraankie

    Fraankie Guest

    Thanks Lethal,

    But my question is why can't I register my PQ DVD? I am registering it on a nice laptop and it says, " Cannot activate Check internet connection or try later or click offline activation. " Is this the message that pops up when the wrong activation code is entered? Because I have used this serial number before and it has worked. I don't know what's wrong. Need assistance! PLEASE...

  14. bensc7

    bensc7 Guest

    hey frankie... me too! I ordered it last night with high hopes. unforunately im getting the same dam message about no internet. i emailed them but from what i've been told, there have been people who emailed pq MONTHS ago regarding different questions and they still have never heard back. anybody have any ideas??
  15. Fraankie

    Fraankie Guest

    Good. At least now I know i'm not alone. I also know the problem is not my computer, but is really some bonehead up at PQ DVD. They're probably having some problems over there. Hopefully they sort it all out so I can throw PQ on my laptop. Let me tell you, it's an awesome program if you can get it on your Comp (registered). It works like a charm. You just bought the program last night? And are you getting the same error message as me? Also...if you try offline activation, do you get a forbidden message?

  16. bensc7

    bensc7 Guest

    yep! im getting this (see below) boy am i glad to hear your having errors too. please let me know if you get yours up and running, and yes, i know ive heard nothing but good things about pq. i tried ipod media studio (half the dvds werent recognzied, audio was not synchronized, and a dvd took a good 3 hours to turn mp4) i also tried imtoo dvd but that one was also unsynchronized and i found the picture to be choppy. PQ was just immaculate on my ipod and every dvd was recognzied and i believe will finish in 40 minutes. keep me posted as i will also.
    p.s. heres the error right?
    error 403: Forbidden!

    The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.

  17. Fraankie

    Fraankie Guest

    Yep that is exactly what I get. And you say you just purchased yours off the website last night?

  18. bensc7

    bensc7 Guest

    yep, last night, about 8pm cali time
  19. jasonyhap

    jasonyhap Member

    Feb 22, 2005
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    i don't know if everyone knows this but u can use dvd shrink to convert dvd movies to one vob file so u can later convert that file to mpeg 4 with videora.i opened shrink-edit-preference-click on output files-uncheck split vob files. u also have to save ur video output as a video ts folder when ur ready to backup.when it came to the problem with a foreign language instead of english that some of u were having, just backup the movie without any foreign language by unchecking the languages on the options to ur right.
  20. david_v91

    david_v91 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    lethal, thx for ur suggestion, u said to make it 27 fps, but how do i change it? i only know how to change the kbps


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