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Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by evilgood, Nov 13, 2004.

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  1. Bobalob

    Bobalob Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    Yeah! It's like will it be where the next game starts off, or when they release the final bit of the campaign, or something else entirely???
  2. liljim

    liljim Guest

    i hope dats wot its like i wanna kik ass as da MC not a stupid elite faggit
  3. Bobalob

    Bobalob Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    The elite levels weren't bad, but you're right. The way that they left it had the Chief all geared up only to discover you aren't able to deliver some righteous covenant-ass-kicking goodness just yet was the most frustrating thing I've experienced. Let's just hope that this whole 'February 9th' thing is actually the end of the campaign rather than some multiplayer map. Multiplayer can wait! I want closure! CLOSURE, I TELL YOU!
  4. liljim

    liljim Guest

    if u mean closure as in a definite ending your stupid, no offense, i want the game to last forever with bungie inventing new ideas that will blow you away. sod closure!
  5. DGMorris

    DGMorris Member

    Nov 18, 2004
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    Da demo dat i saw had covenant turrets (which were HUGE!!) and it gave the impression dat dis demo is a halo 3 preview!! i mean, did any1 see brutes on earth?
    did u kill any brutes on earth? No!

    U killed brutes when u was about to kill The Prophet Of Truth. I am really certain dat the demo i saw which was 3 years ago when Halo had come out, after 7 months later, dis demo came with dat footage.

    Also think about 'Feburary 9th' dat does really sound like the next Halo 3! As, really, Halo 2 did actually came out on 'November 9th' (There is a poster of this) and i got this picture from gamespot.com


    Really i say that bungie is covering our eyes from Halo 3 even though they said that they were devolopin over games which i think isnt true cos they have only made 5 games (includin Halo2) for the PS2 and xbox. Doesnt that say something? doesnt that mean that they are actually devoloping Halo 3 but keepin it as a surprise 4 us (Hopefully!!) Does any1 else hav info on Halo 3 comin out at all?
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2004
  6. liljim

    liljim Guest

    my m8 tom, after finishing halo 2, came up with the idea halo 3 would cum out within a year after reading this and other threads this though is becoming more vivid. by the way ur pic wasnt showing.
  7. DGMorris

    DGMorris Member

    Nov 18, 2004
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  8. DGMorris

    DGMorris Member

    Nov 18, 2004
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    Wot do u think? Halo 2 was realesed in November 9th and Halo 3 might come out in Feburary 9th as well, but here, in the UK on Feburary 11th? (I Think!!)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2004
  9. lennyT

    lennyT Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Hmm in reply 2 wat sum1 else said about Halo 3 being developed for the next gen xbox... that may well be true, but what if the next halo game isnt going 2 be Halo 3? mayb the next halo game wil b out on feb 9 or sum other date.. they talk abt Halo 3 but they could wel release Halo 2.5 ... just like they did with splinter cell? hmm hmmm
  10. chords117

    chords117 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Make your decisions accordingly.

    I just figured this out!!! 200134 days divided by 365 in order to see how many years turns out to be 548. If you add 548 years to 2004 you get 2552, which is the in-game year of Halo 2. Do some more handy calculator work and it turns out to be feb 9, 2552. dunno what that means but i got my fingers crossed!!
  11. Anakte

    Anakte Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    I completely agree with the guy that brought up Empire Strikes Back! Halo 1 was a sub-game, semi-complete in it's own right. Halo 2 expands into the broadened Halo universe.

    There is TOO much storyline in the Bungie universe to complete the saga they wanted to tell in 1 game. They have several novels out with backstory, not to mention an entire series of games for the Mac called Marathon that have 'something' to do with the same world of Halo. The guys at Bungie put more effort into their stuff then I dare say ALL other money grubbing sequel developers and you just have to understand that fitting EVERYTHING into one game would rip you off even more than if you're angry that they make you wait for another Halo to be released. I would rather wait for Halo 3 than to get everything that needs to be resolved crammed into Halo 2 in 1 more level. And as far as Halo 2 being so much shorter than Halo 1, IT'S NOT!! Everyone I've talked to that complains about it being shorter has gotten used to Halo 1, beaten it on Legendary, and then played Halo 2 on easy or normal. OF COURSE you're going to beat it quickly then!!

    Anyway, I say good job Bungie and just hope that they don't wait 3 years for part 3 (or something else). *I* say Halo 2 was worth the wait, and that's just me.
  12. jonymac

    jonymac Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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  13. neo7333

    neo7333 Guest

    I think you are worng about the Feb 9th thing. On that date, new maps and hopefully new game modes will be released.
  14. xbox4ever

    xbox4ever Guest

    halo 2 is good but there has to be something else to it theres obvious secrets to the game like i know there are skulls hidden thrrough the hole game that give you power ups and i hope that somethong will come out in Febuary even though thats kinda a bad marketing strategy
  15. xbox4ever

    xbox4ever Guest

    o also forgot i saw pics of all kinds of spartans fightin
  16. chords117

    chords117 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    yeah, spartans fighting... that tends to happen in multiplayer mode
  17. DGMorris

    DGMorris Member

    Nov 18, 2004
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    I hav been told by many many friends and they all say that Halo 3 is "officially" cumin out on Feb 9th 2005 as Halo 2 has been completed too quick than bungie had thought.

    So hope for the best that Halo 3 comes out on Feb 9th, even though i hav said to my friends, and to u now, is that Bungie has to confirm that halo 3 is cumin out, if they dnt then Halo 3 is not cumin out until futher notice from bungie or other people.
  18. trets77

    trets77 Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    hi there new memeber here and i just had to post my thoughts on the Halo 2 ending.......WHAT A COMPLETE LET DOWN!!!! i,ll not argue that the game pretty much gave us more of the same which was fine but i never felt the tension like i did with the original.

    i though it was gearing up for anthor big warthog (sadly under used in the game IMO) race to finish . but no it just stopped without warning. rushed through for xmas was opinion. it story terms it was like when you board when writing a story for school and just put and then me went home THE END ....poor really really poor
  19. spartan59

    spartan59 Guest

    just to say halo 2 was told by the covi not the humans and halo 3 thoughts the arc is a ship to the other halos why to destroy all halos and im not sure but there might be six halos!insane your saying of course the prophets in the game say its THE GREAT JOURNEY.play halo 2 and look for those hints to the next halo games.
  20. liljim

    liljim Guest

    sorry if anyones said this but im not very quick on the uptake thing!!! i rekon the ark is earth cuz wen u finish the mc is on that forerunner ship going to earth and the lightbulb thingy said the ark would be where to activate other rings etc. just a thought, does n e 1 think the same. HALO 2 ROCKS QUIT WHINGING.
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