Refering back to the site you sent me to. Does locate containment file just mean know where it is or to double click on it?
1. I mean create extra copies that you will store on your computer until you use them. 2. Do you want to mod these levels on XBL? 3. It means to click on it and select open. 4. $50
If I can use them for custom games Yes!, but you said it only works for new maps. That's why I asked about the original maps if it is possible.
When you were talking about how opening up a certain file only had containment and warlock. How do I get the other levels?
That's only in that folder. You must go back to the E/Tdata?4d530064/$c/ directory to find the other two folders as well.
Is there a way to only get the 360 auto aim on it for right now and not have all the other glitches yet.