Halo2/3 chat.

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Nephilim, Jan 4, 2005.

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  1. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Sorry Nephilim if I took it to hard out the guy, doggy back to normal!

  2. mkaseatgb

    mkaseatgb Regular member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    One less idiot to worry about...
    I want new weapons like everyone else. One thing I think ruined multiplayer was dual wielding. Dont go yelling at me or anything, but if someone comes at you with brute plasma rifle and smg combo, there is really no way to stop them, except for sword/shotgun. Any noob can stand there and keep shooting, but it takes some skill to pop someone in the head four times with a BR.
  3. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Well thats why I always go for the Sword every time, and the rockets and then by wasting so much time i lose...lol!
  4. mkaseatgb

    mkaseatgb Regular member

    Jan 25, 2005
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  5. xyron

    xyron Guest

    brutes do have ranks but they have the same strenght and weakness,
    the reason for this is because, when the brutes were replacing the elites they were fighting for different ranks(like little kids).
    so they werent that organised like the elites were.

    yha i rekon they should have new species for the covenant and new armor for the mariens and i dont think they will have new armor for master chief. flying a palican would be so cool or some sort of helicopter.

    more ideas would be nice guys!!!
  6. mkaseatgb

    mkaseatgb Regular member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    They should definitly keep the ATV in this time around.
  7. xyron

    xyron Guest

    do you guys think it would be cool if you could hold two plasma sowrds at once.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2005
  8. DAKHAlO

    DAKHAlO Guest

    I don't know about you guys but I would like to see the rocket launcher lock-on taken off. I loved the challenge off shooting ppl with rockets in Halo 1. Now im always trying to lock on and it's not as fun. I know this probably wont happen... just wishful thinking...*sigh*
  9. HaloDude3

    HaloDude3 Guest

    that would be really good they should also make it that the swords dont loose power every time you hit someone they shoudl make it unlimited like in multiplayer. i would also like to see that you can carry alot more ammo for you battle rifle cause it goes down really fast if your not carefull

    i like the target lock on on the rocket launcher it saves your ammo by not having to keep on aiming at the target until u hit it all you have to do is lock on and problem solved one shot one kill
    (except for wraiths)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2005
  10. colton21

    colton21 Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    halodude3 your sig makes me laugh
  11. RobOB11

    RobOB11 Guest

    Yeah i definetaly agree that plasma swords should last longer

    I hope in halo 3 they have more earth missions than halo 2, those are my favorite missions,

    anyone else care to list their favorite missions?
  12. HaloDude3

    HaloDude3 Guest

    lol thanks colton21

    i love the level uprising and the great journey they are my favourite i dont know why though i guess cause you get to play the arbiter and you get help from elites and hunters thats cool
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2005
  13. HaloDude3

    HaloDude3 Guest

    hey i just looked at the xbox 360 and i dont really get the core packge and stuff i thought that all xbox 360 controllers where wire less and i also thought that all the hard rives where removable
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2005
  14. andy2000

    andy2000 Guest

    Hehe, nice.

    Ide love to see new weapons and stuff, but be practical. The MC is obviously not going to get new armour because he's on the forerunner ship and i dont think the humans will have had time to create stockpile and deliver new weapons. But look at it this way, human weapons, covenant weapons and FORERUNNER weapons. Since the forerunner ship would have had weapons to fight off the flood in case some got in when the forerunners planned to launch it, they might be found and we might be able to use them.

    Oh and another thing, how, where and when did the covenant find the forerunner ship????
  15. sgt.stick

    sgt.stick Member

    Aug 24, 2005
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    watch the starting video of outskirts, i want halo3 to be more like that. Snipers on rooftops sending messages to the pelican and stuff.then you have the tanks all lined up and driving along thats cool.
    they should implement the ATV quad bike like planned....
    also the human banshee would be sik or driving the pelican...

    It should also be like it was suppposed to be on the video for e3 where there driving round New Mombosa in guass warthog killing all the spectres and wraiths and shadows and then the brutes come and kick the warthogs ass and stuff.
    that would be awesome...
  16. sgt.stick

    sgt.stick Member

    Aug 24, 2005
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  17. Turk05

    Turk05 Member

    May 4, 2005
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    I doubt if they put motorcycles or 4 wheelers in there but if they do kick ass
  18. RobOB11

    RobOB11 Guest

    I think that there should be more forerunner weapons, the only one they have is the sentinal beam, right?

    anyways, i would like to see some sort of forerunner machine gun, or make that covenant machine gun portabal. i hate that you can even pick it up and deploy it elsewhere

    anyone else care to share what kind of forerunner weapons they would like to see in h3?
  19. RobOB11

    RobOB11 Guest

    bye the way, that was cool sgt.stick, where did you get those and got any more of stuff like that?
  20. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Hey guys I saw this website (forgot the name) but they showed all the monitors for all the installations even for the ark! There are 3 types of monitors for the each Halo, and 1 for the ark...thats all i remember what it said :(
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