Ever pressing the bounds of what is acceptable on AD, I will nonetheless continue in that pursuit until I thoroughly piss someone off. Whatever have a happy holiday!
piss someone off here?never happens.lol.merry christmas everyone.may the new year bring everything you hope for and a little bit more.
Better to be pissed OFF than ON! Stay away from electric fences and have a Merry CHRISTmas or Happy Whatever to all!
As we get older I suspect that we will piss off and piss on ourselves at the same time without electric fences (note it's okay to piss on spark-plugs) . Just a thought? Happy Holidays AD!!
Was my birthday at the weekend.. Had a takeaway (kebab if you must know.. pizza is getting less and less due to not agreeing with me so much these days) and 2 bottles of rather decent wine.. so I guess yes.. I have survived idiot season for another year