I just bought a new case, since it's cheaper just to buy a new case than a brand new power supply, and the I/O shield it came with doesn't match my motherboard. I'm starting to hate computers, any retail store like best buy or circuit city where I can go purchase one?
Backplates come with the motherboard not the case (though cases do come with them, rather bizarrely) - so use the one you had before, it will fit! Also, you have just made a very bad decision - the reason why cases with PSUs are cheap is because the PSUs are nasty, and they go bang, and I do mean that - they often catch fire. I recommended you buy a proper PSU for a reason. If you want to stay safe, you'll heed that advice.
I have no idea I'm afraid, they are specific to each individual motherboard. All I can suggest is to either fabricate one yourself or ask your motherboard manufacturer.
check your local computer store as they might have some that 1 of them will fit to your board but will have to take pc into them to make certain it fits properly. phone 1st before going to the store(s) so saving you from carrying the pc all round the place.
Well I'm afraid that after re-applying the thermal compound and a good dust out my CPU is still overheating, actually getting even hotter. EDIT: My computer will restart after a little bit if I play Conquer Online or if I watch a video on my computer.
This is the one I'm using http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2549294&CatId=1844
It's a reasonable case, but throw away the power supply that comes with it, it'll be crap. Cheap PSUs can and do explode/catch fire. Use this PSU instead: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371005
It will have to do for a while, shortage on money once I get enough money I will be buying a complete new comp (motherboard, video card, CPU, heat sink, RAM) Which I may need your expertise on hardware for that =P
You need to get the new PSU FIRST - there's no point buying all those components if a PSU goes bang and destroys them all. It happens, it's happened to several members here, myself included.
So I should save up about $200-$300 for all this? Out of all the times I bought cases with PSUs in them they never blew up, they have shorted out plenty times, but never blew up.
I just checked my CPU fan and heat sink (If I'm right the heat sink is the big metal base of the fan?) The fan is connected to the heat sink tightly, the heat sink is connect to my motherboard tightly and the thermal solution is on both the heat sink and CPU. and my CPU fan is spinning at 2.6K RPM. So I have no idea what's wrong, could it be a bad CPU?
It could be it was a decently cheap motherboard that I purchased about 3-4 year ago :S and not to mention the company doesn't even make them anymore.