Hey every1. I need a little help please. I bought my computer 10 months ago and it never gave a spot of trouble. Lately I have had to re-install windows about 10 times. thats me,98 & xp pro. I come to only one conclusion and that is there is a problem with my hardware. This is what happens. The computer would run smoothly. I could be doing anyhthing when for no reason it simply turns off. It doesnt restart it just switches off completely. I bought a power surge protection unit and it still happens so, thats not the problem. Please help before I break the computer into pieces. Thanx in advance.
Some mobo/CPUs do the thing that once your CPU overheats, the system shuts down. Download some tool that allows you to monitor your chassis' temperature and if it tends to get high, you need to consider getting better cooling in your system.
This may be a little late (But) have you reset your energy settings ,,,they may be set to shut down at a special setting ,,,if this is the case just select ( never )in all sections ?????
It's ok now. My mainboard had found itself heat up to about 60/70 degrees after about an hour. Two fans broke for some reason!