Hi, Does the PVR-150 MCE *have* to be installed on a WinXp MCE system, or could it in theory be running on a Win XP Pro system? I inherited the card and remote, but I'm not running XP MCE. Thanks much, P
Looking at the offical site, it looks like you need MCE ... http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/products/data_pvr150mce.html and the product description at NewEgg indicates this also ... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815116620 here's a forum, maybe someone here can help you a little more than I can ... http://www.shspvr.com/smf/ ... I'm thinking about getting one of the PVR cards .. still studying though ... Good Luck to you and let me know how you make out