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Have I screwed up my EuroVoz Max 2008?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by BenEadir, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    CC is Cable Company and Cab for street Cabinets, either way they will check your set up for any problems.
  2. noodle5

    noodle5 Member

    Nov 3, 2008
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    Hi, Ben there are 3 possible things that i can think of that may be worth considering.
    1. you say you are at the end of a line and sometimes the cable fitters put in there own splitters outside the property (usually but not always hidden) to save time and money, these can be affected by weather and wildlife.
    2. if you do phone them up connect your original ntl box back up first as they can see which channel you are watching, reset the box,etc on their side and ask what the power level is, with their broadband anything outside -11 to +11 is considered a problem so the signal coming down the same line probably follows the same parameters.
    3. The snr (signal to noise ratio) may be an issue, i think their acceptable range is 29-55 if they quote above or below then the issue will usually be there.
    My regards to hitek and scouser as i have only just joined this site (an hour ago, i have often visited this site however) and been very impressed with the your knowledge and succint replies hope i'm not being to crass with my advise and ben hope you get a swift resolution .

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