Have you seen this? "Cant load P3 package.dll"

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Helamann, Aug 31, 2002.

  1. Helamann

    Helamann Guest

    I was so excited, I going to make my first mpeg1 with tmpgenc, I read the step by step did it all even added the plug in vfapi, well i get to step of encoding the dtv file and the audio wav file and hit start button and the error "Cant load p3 Package.dll" comes up and I can go no further, Any ideas from the Dvd to vcd Gods? thanks
  2. A_Klingon

    A_Klingon Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2001
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    It sure can be confusing.

    There was a major change in TMP from version to, something to do with the Direct Show filters I think. Myself, I use the older version, a version which didn't incorporate these changes, and it recognizes .d2v files right off the bat.

    In your TMPGEnc directory, you should see a batch file, Helamann, called 'TMPGEncVFP_Install.bat'. Be sure to run it. (There is a complimentary Uninstall.bat file as well).

    The "Can't load P3 Package.dll" is curious too. My TMP folder has a 'P4Package.dll' file in it. (???)

    Barring a new download & install of TMP from the download section, try running that batch file first (if you can find it), and see if it helps. Good Luck.

    -- K.A. --


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